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Candy Addict’s Birthday Candy Giveaway – Coming Soon!

Categories: Candy,Candy Addict Site News,Candy Giveaways

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Candy Addict’s two-year anniversary (birthday?) is on October 2 and we are going to give away a bunch of candy and candy-related goods to five lucky winners. I’m not quite ready to start the giveaway (I have to setup the treasure hunt), but it will start soon, so keep your eyes peeled. I have a LOT (pounds!) of great candy from the All Candy Expo to give away like:

Tung Toos, Beanboozled jellybeans, Wonka candy, Dove chocolates, Güd Füd marshmallows, Chewy Lemonheads and Chewy Atomic Fireballs, and much, much more! Some of it hasn’t even hit stores yet!

A bunch of candy companies have donated candy for the giveaway too. We’ll be giving away candy and sweets from Pure Fun, Oral Fixation, Jolt Gum, Chuao Chocolatier, and LesserEvil just to name a few. (If any other company reading this wants to get in on the fun, contact me ASAP).

Other great things I’m throwing in: a Mike and Ike cloth beach bag, Wrigley’s 5 gum pens, MARS lanyards from the Expo (with a tiny little yellow M figure), and some Candy Addict Tshirts!

In the meantime, make sure you are a registered Candy Addict, since the giveaway will only be open to registered Candy Addicts. Be sure and register with an email address you actually check and make sure email from doesn’t get marked as spam – in case I have to email you to tell you you’ve won!

Look for more details soon!

UPDATE: More companies are jumping on board the giveaway train. We now have commitments from these companies also to provide candy for the giveaway:

UPDATE: I’m probably going to kick myself for this when it costs $100 to ship the candy to someone, but yes, we’ll make this giveaway open to non-US also.


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6 Responses to “Candy Addict’s Birthday Candy Giveaway – Coming Soon!”

  1. 1
    Ladytink_534 says:

    This sounds like fun! Can’t wait!!!

  2. 2
    Jeanette says:

    Is this open to English readers?

  3. 3
    Blinky the Tree Frog says:

    Or Australian ones?

  4. 4
    Twibbles16 (Megan) says:

    Sweet! THat’s 16 days away from my 13th birthday! (october 18th) i hope i win

  5. 5
    Emily says:

    or canadian ones?

    Hey, I think we’ve got a commonwealth theme going on here…:)

  6. 6
    Brian says:

    Yes to all of you. Read the update above :)

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