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Candy Review: Red Licorice Scotties

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Licorice Candy

Red Licorice Scotties

As our most loyal readers may remember, each month I receive a wonderful little package from Licorice International‘s Red and Black Licorice of the Month Club. This month was no exception, and I got to enjoy some red and black licorice Scotties.

Having previously reviewed the black Scotties, this time I’ll focus on the red variety, which are the same shape and size as their black brothers. Unfortunately, I can’t say that I enjoyed them nearly as much.

This time, I found the cute little pooches to be quite hard and difficult to chew, which made the candy stick to my teeth even more than the black variety. Sadly, their flavor didn’t make up for the difficulties in consumption; while not quite as bad as store-bought red Twizzlers, they weren’t as good as fresh Red Vines. The flavor was mild, and more “sweet” than reminiscent of any particular fruit flavor. Overall, I guess they were typical of an American “red” licorice, but for now, I think I’ll be sticking with the black!

red licorice, black licorice

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