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Candy Review: Güd Füd Stuffed Marshmallows

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,New Candy,Soft Candy

Gud Fud Chocolate

It’s always interesting to see what’s new and exciting in the candy world. Güd Füd (pronounced “Good Food”) has released a line of Chocolate and Fruit Jelly stuffed Marshmallows and they kindly sent me samples. A quick search through their website explained how this product is inspired by Tokyo. The cute package design clearly displays this with Japanese kana writing appearing on the package alongside three goofy smiling marshmallows. Each packet holds three marshmallows, which, true to Japanese form, are individually wrapped. Part of me wonders if this means I should be sharing them, but I am choosing to ignore this.

Here’s how the marshmallows tasted:

  • Chocolate: Smells of hot cocoa packets! The marshmallow itself is an inch and a half long and is nice, fluffy and sweet. Once I got to the center, I was surprised how little of the filling there was. It is really only a sliver and the filling is pasty, not gooey and flowing like I was fearing it was going to be. The chocolate tastes of a tootsie roll, and adds just a tiny bit of flavor to the marshmallow. Faint, but pleasant.

Gud Fud Fruit

  • Orange: The center is indeed a jelly, nice and firm so it doesn’t leak out and make a mess. Tastes fresh and zesty, though artificial. Tang comes to mind.
  • Strawberry: This was the most powerful flavor of the three. I could taste the strawberry through the marshmallow even though I hadn’t even bitten into the jelly yet. Once I did hit the jelly, it tasted exactly of Smuckers strawberry jelly. So good…
  • Grape: For some reason the marshmallow tastes of vanilla with this one. I didn’t think I would have liked this one, but it ended up being really, really good. The grape isn’t fake or artificial tasting at all; again, good jelly comes to mind…

I was surprised, but I really liked these. I liked how the flavors and sweetness were subtle, which is the exact opposite of the Japanese flavored marshmallows that I’ve had before. Those were so sickeningly sweet I couldn’t finish more than two, and it left me feeling a bit queasy for a few hours afterward. These, on the other hand, balance the delicate marshmallow with a bit of flavor, and the result is very nice. I’d imagine these would be fun in hot cocoa and in s’mores too, so these provide lots of creative opportunity. If you see some, they’re worth a try!

marshmallow, jelly, fruit, filling

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3 Responses to “Candy Review: Güd Füd Stuffed Marshmallows”

  1. 1
    Ani says:

    I LOVE marshmellow. Thanks for these I’ll look for them.

  2. 2
    Julie Nicolay says:

    Oh man, Japanese candy (I love it) and marshmallows (I love ‘em – hey I’m a former Girl Scout; it’s kinda like we have marshmallow in our blood, y’know?). What a great combo for me! I’ll definitely try these, especially if they’re not overly sweet like some of those things can be. Now, hmmm, which store to try first…?

  3. 3
    Brian says:

    These are really good. Definitely not overly sweet. Great combination of marshmallow and fillings.

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