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Candy Review: Violet Crumble

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Foreign (non-US) Candy


The Violet Crumble is an Australian candy bar that sounds like it’s been named after a long-lost Roald Dahl character and only includes two major ingredients: a piece of airy honeycomb and Nestle milk chocolate. I’ve never had a honeycomb candy bar before, so I wasn’t sure what to expect beneath the shiny purple exterior; I could tell that the bar had already been broken into a hundred pieces, but the wrapper stated: “It’s the Way It Shatters That Matters,” which led me to believe that broken bits were meant to be a part of the Violet Crumble’s appeal.

Opening a Violet Crumble is a messy operation. I’d suggest you set down a paper plate or napkin to catch the candy splinters that will undoubtedly shoot from the package. I opened my Violet Crumble over a bowl and was able to catch every piece as it spilled out of the wrapper. It didn’t look like anything I’d seen before.

Many pieces of the honeycomb broke off with no chocolate coating whatsoever. I began by picking out the chocolate bits, which were lovely: the honeycomb melts into the chocolate in a perfect combination of sugary crystals and smooth chocolate waves. Unfortunately, after the chocolate bits were gone, I was left with a bowl of plain honeycomb pieces that looked like a cross between cereal bits and Styrofoam.

Curiosity won, as it usually does, and I dove into the bowl of plain Violet Crumble. The honeycomb flavor was a nice change of pace, but the consistency, which is strikingly similar to Astronaut Ice Cream, was too much for me. It’s a bit dry, and overly sweet. I managed to salvage the rest of the bar by pouring the remnants over some vanilla ice cream; turns out the Violet Crumble makes a pretty good topping. The moisture in the ice cream must offset the dryness of the honeycomb center.

Overall, the Violet Crumble wasn’t my favorite bar, but it’s so unique that I’m glad I gave it a shot.

Buy Violet Crumble online:

Australia, honey, nestle

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13 Responses to “Candy Review: Violet Crumble”

  1. 1
    Rosa says:

    I actually just wrote my review for this yesterday, though it won’t be published for another week.

    My Violet Crumble was intact, as were the ones I saw on the shelf at Economy Candy. Bad luck on your part?

    I love your insight that the filling was like astronaut ice cream. What a perfect way to describe it! And I wish I’d thought to add it to ice cream.

  2. 2
    Jamie says:

    It was probably pretty solid when I bought it, but I suppose it could have taken a hit in the transfer from the bag to my big red candy bowl. I guess it’s meant to shatter, so if I ever have another one, I’ll be more careful next time.

    And definitely add it to ice cream! Good stuff.

  3. 3
    Seth says:

    Crunchie is a pretty similar candy bar from Cadbury that I love. You can find them in the States with a little research.

  4. 4 T-Shirts says:

    Man, this sounds good. I’m gonna have to get some now!

  5. 5
    Melayne says:

    I’ve never had a Violet Crumble say, crumble all over me before eating, although I will admit it is one of the messier candy bars I have had. Still, I found it to be quite delicious and I wish I didn’t develop a slight addiction to them while in Australia.
    They are similar to a Crunchie…also quite good.
    Speaking of Aussie candies, have you tried Tim Tams?

  6. 6
    Ads says:

    As an Australian, I can say that violet crumbles are NOT meant to be in pieces! They shouldn’t have crumbs or bits shooting out at you.

    Though having said that, they are good if you smash them up and stir through ice cream :-)

  7. 7
    Jamie says:

    Ok, that’s it, I’m going to have to get another one of these!

  8. 8
    Rosa says:

    My review published today:

    Photographic evidence that it’s not supposed to arrive in pieces!

  9. 9
    Carrie says:

    I just got one of these at World Market (they also had the Crunchie, but it cost 50¢ more). I quite liked this and would give it a 7 out of 10. It was sweet but I like sweet and so didn’t find it overpowering. The flavor of the honeycomb mixes well with the chocolate. I never would have thought to try it before reading this review, so thanks! :)

  10. 10
    Julie Nicolay says:

    I am a BIG Violet Crumble fan and have rarely had one shatter inside the wrapper as you suffered through, however, yes, they are dang tasty mixed into ice cream, yogurt, etc. I happen to love the texture of the honeycomb and I’m really big into food textures, so it makes me very happy. And, living here in Tucson, where you can buy just about any food from all over the world, they’re easy for me to indulge in, though World Market is twice as costly as the 17th Street Market, an international warehouse of food and fresh fish, but no salmon-flavored chocolate candies…yet.

  11. 11
    Leslie says:

    Hey Julie, I am in Tucson too and I was wondering where you got the Aussie candy. My family and I want to try some but I have no idea where to begain looking. If you could please let me know!! Lookig forward to trying that Violet Crumble!!! I love honey comb!!!!

  12. 12
    JoAnn says:

    Violet Crumble is the best ever. I get them at World Market when they have them. They remind me a candy I used to eat as a child in Montreal Canada, called sponge candy. It didn’t have the chocolate on it, just the honeycomb. YUM! Never had one crumbled in the wrapper. Usually almost totally intact. Bummer for you.

  13. 13
    molly says:

    sponge candy is the same thing as a crunchy or violet crumble it just doesnt have the chocolaty on it but if u people wish to try this sweet candy so bad and have trouble finding it where u are well i am an aussie chick and i have a recipe for any of u who would like to attempt it its not very hard to make and all together preperation and coocking the cand only takes 20 mins
    you will need 1/2 cup corn syrup ( golden syrup)
    1/4 cup water
    1 1/2 cups sugar
    1 teaspoon white vinegar
    and a level tablespoon of bi carbonate of soda
    get a medium dish ready with an edge around it and place baking paper or grease tray with butter
    in a LARGE PAN combine the sugar, syrup, water, and vinegar
    place on stove on high for 3 1/2 minutes turn down between med- high place a candy thermometor in pot cook untill thermometor reached 290-295oF do not go over295oF REMOVE FROM HEAT AND QUICKLY ADD BICARB SODA stirring gently but mixing ingredients doesnt have to be perfect the mixture will triple its size this is good quickly pour out into dish and leave four 1 hour to cool (do not touch or move untill cool or it will go really flat) do not leave out for too long or will become a sticky mess break into pieces and cover with chocolate if desired chocolate coating is simple place have a pot of water on stove place another pan ontop place cooking chocolate in top pot with 2 table spoons of vegetable shortening melt sturing constantly when all lumps have gone remove top pan and ur ready to start dipping your honey comb good luck let me know how u go:) be carefully not to spill any of this recipe on u when cooking as it will burn u instantly kids should keep there distance

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