Today I’m happy to announce a new writer joining the staff. She has done graphics for us in the past (she did our awesome logo seen above) and a few other things and now she’s joining the staff as a writer. She’s just as snarky as I can be sometimes and I swear there is no nepotism involved in her hiring, even though she’s my sister.
Bonnie’s intro:
Hi all, I’m Bonnie, sister to the owner of this fine site. I’m a graphics gal, candy eater, and lover of all things sweet.
Notable: I choose restaurants to patronize according to the dessert they carry!
9-5: I’m a coffee shop manager by (early!) day and candy eater throughout. I love all things coffee related. So coffee AND candy… well, c’mon now, of course.
Part time love: Along with the M-F jobbie job, I also have my own little logo design and graphics business at and design as many as the graphics I am able to here at Candy Addict. Along with graphic needs, I also help eat the candy and throw in my two cents, both verbally and now written!
Currently eating: “Shock-A-Lots” by Shock Coffee. Candy-coated, chocolate covered, coffee beans. I have yet to find a candy I won’t try twice. Editor’s note: That’s not true. You obviously forgot about the sausage jellybeans.
Currently living: Off the beaten path in/and around Jacksonville, Florida.
It brings me pleasure to eat this candy for you. No, really, I insist. ;)
Look for articles and reviews from Bonnie soon!
No, I’m pretty sure I actually DID try that sausage one twice. It was the second gag-inducing-go-around that made me stop. Geez o Pete, just thinking about that smoked sausage sweet jelly bean makes me feel queasy… Although, I bet it would be popular with the McGriddles fans from what I understand, having never tried one. Sweet and savory shall never meet in my mouth.
September 2nd, 2007 at 12:07 amYou can possibly consider sausage jelly beans to be candy! They’re not meant to be eaten sincerely. I think Bonnie’s record holds.
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:29 pmHello Bonnie and a big welcome. Look forward to reading your
September 2nd, 2007 at 6:11 pmreviews. Maybe you could tell us some dark secrets about you know who.