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Candy Review: Embittermints

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Embittermints - open

Putting words on candy isn’t a new concept. We’ve already mentioned conversation hearts, personalized M&Ms, and even chocotelegrams. For those who crave something different for their Valentines there’s even BitterSweets, with sayings like “SETTLE 4 LESS” and “PRENUP OKAY?”.

But, you say, those are just for Valentine’s Day. What if I need to send an edgy message after February 14th? Well, maybe Embittermints are for you. With words like “Bite Me” or “You Suck,” Embittermints are, according to the official website, “the perfect gift for sworn enemies, annoying door-to-door solicitors, and anyone who rubs you the wrong way. You can give them to the one you love, or at least the one you used to.” The words are clearly pressed into each mint, so each message comes in loud and clear.

Embittermints - tinI felt kind of weird popping one of these Pez-sized mints (“Idiot,” it read) into my mouth. Giving this to sworn enemies? Did something evil lurk beneath the strong, minty flavor? Would I keel over backwards? Would I be overcome with a sense of terror? But nothing like that happened. They’re pretty much standard mints: not chalky, and similar in texture and flavor to Certs. They’re good, but nothing spectacular.

I really like these mints as a concept, though. Goodness knows there are a lot of mint tins vying for people’s attention already, and Embittermints is unique enough to push past the rest. Get them for your favorite obnoxious individual, but I would first make sure that their sense of humor is still intact… or that you’re three states away when they open the tin.

Embittermints are available for $2.50 per tin at select New York specialty retailers or from the Embittermints website.

mints, humor, novelty

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5 Responses to “Candy Review: Embittermints”

  1. 1
    mariel says:

    i’ve bought these mints a few times at MXYPLYZYK in NYC. i’m addicted to them- bring them to parties, to school, to work… they’re hilarious :-D and are a real conversation starter. they also taste pretty good.

  2. 2
    Elise says:

    I love embittermints. Especially when I’m feeling snarky. My thought, though, is to eat the embittermint I feel. Why should the “idiot” get a candy?! I’ll eat it for him. Or her. Of course, if it’s a friend, what better way to start a conversation than to hand that friend a mint that says “you suck.” A delicious treat accompanying recriminations for the acts o’ suckage is, I think, the way to go.

  3. 3
    CB says:

    These mints rock!!!1
    For the passive agressive person in everyone, I think these mints should be included in every corporations orientation packs. That way , every new employee would have some kind of outlet while adjusting to the ways their new bosses do things.

  4. 4
    Isil says:

    The most delicious mints I have ever had! Also has a cool box and they are fun! You cannot expect more!

  5. 5
    niko says:

    I received a box of embittermints at a fundraiser in ny last month and brought them to work the next day – so fun! I fear some of my co-workers were choosing their mints and exclaiming “You Suck!” or “Bite Me!” with an extra dash of enthusiasm … much needed venting, maybe?

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