Every week we do a Name That Candy post where we post descriptions of long-lost candy sent in by readers and you get to see if you can help figure out what candy it is.
This one comes from a reader named Rachel:
They were these jelly beans that lacked the outer coating that a jelly bean usually has (imagine just the soft, squishy sticky inner “jelly” part). They came in a mixed bag of flavors. I used to buy them in semi-large quantities (they were pretty small individually, smaller than tic tacs, for example) in blue metallic foil packages like you usually find gummy bears. This was around Forest Hills, NYC (Queens) at convience stores like Walgreens and Duane Reade around 1998/1999
This one is from Sharon:
The lost candy I am loking for came from Germany, but I got it through German club in St. Louis Mo in the early 80′s. It was a white taffy, individually wrapped, slight longer and thinner than an individual size Laffy Taffy. I don’t remember the outer packaging, but it did have an inner wrapper with writing or art. It was a king of fruity flavor, although not as strong or identifiable as American taffy. The insert had colored ink, kind of like temporary tattoos but I don’t think that’s what they were.
And a final one from Christina (this one I know!):
WHERE/WHEN: I distinctly remember eating this candy while going to the movie theater. I lived in Honolulu, Hawaii at the time, during the early 1980s.
TYPE/DESCRIPTION: Chocolate candy, similar in shape as a Hershey Kiss, and the diameter of the bottom is about the size of a quarter or slightly bigger, and it seemed like someone put their finger on the tip of a Hershey Kiss and squished it down a little bit, so it was a little flatter, and from top to bottom was slightly more than one-half inch.
PACKAGING: A tube that was about 7 inches long and about one and one-half inch round. The outside of the tube was sort of like foil and I believe it came in two different colors, one green and one red (maybe two different flavors??). The inside of the tube looked like the inside of a paper towel/toilet paper roll. I believe there may have been anywhere from 6 to 10 pieces per package.
Finally one I know! That has to be Flicks candy! If you know what the other candies could be, let us know in a comment below! If you have a long-lost candy you can’t remember, describe it in an email and I’ll post it here for all to read.
Flicks are available at World Market!
July 30th, 2007 at 9:38 amAre the naked jellybeans “JuJuBees”?
September 11th, 2007 at 9:40 pmI also remember getting that taffy from a German Club in Louisville, Kentucky as a child. I wish I could find it now.
October 8th, 2007 at 2:32 pmnot jujubees, much smaller, the size of tictacsish
October 22nd, 2007 at 7:41 pmI also have been trying to remember the taffy, I use to buy it at Mr. Dunderbaks.
October 28th, 2007 at 10:30 amSharon:
November 28th, 2007 at 5:03 pmYour lost candy is Hitschler Softi Chew.
You say the candy that Christana was describibg is called “Flicks” – but it sounds like “Rolo’s” to me.
December 6th, 2007 at 8:40 amNo it sounds like Flicks more than rolos
January 28th, 2008 at 11:33 pmHere is the answer to Sharon’s inquiry about german taffy from the 1980s:
December 24th, 2008 at 1:10 pm