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Top Ten Candy Moments on “The Simpsons”

Categories: Candy,Candy Videos,Top 10 Lists

simpsons movie
Woohoo! After many years in television, The Simpsons family is finally hitting the big screen. To celebrate, here are the top 10 best candy moments in Simpsons history. Mmmm….candy moments….

simpsons, cartoon, television, tv, movie

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23 Responses to “Top Ten Candy Moments on “The Simpsons””

  1. 1
    cybele says:

    Awesome. I’ve always thought The Simpsons should have more candy content.

    We have the Qwik e Marts here in LA with the special Simpsons stuff (KrustyOs & Buzz Cola) but they don’t have a special candy tie in!

  2. 2
    Julie Nicolay says:

    Brilliant! Being a Simpson’s fan (though without TV for many years now), this brought me a ton of memories and was fun to read (and watch)! What a great idea and really well-researched and written. Now, as like every time I spend time on this site, I need to go get something sweet and will go troll two of my favorite places for candy: the Dollar Tree and the local Mexican grocery store…

  3. 3
    Breanna says:

    I DARE you to eat a red vine without saying:

    “ca-rack that whip! Licorice whip!”

    impossible for me…

  4. 4
    Steven says:

    I only started to like Butterfingers because of the Simpsons. Can’t wait for the movie. But a minor detail is the Simpsons has been on for nearly 20 years now, not just 14.

  5. 5
    Jamie says:

    D’oh! Honest slip up. I can actually remember watching it way back when it played on Thursday nights, many many years ago.

  6. 6
    jimmy says:

    “That was a load bearing candy cane, you clumsy oaf!”
    from Treehouse of Horror XI, Nov. 2000
    I find myself quoting it,
    (in my best witch voice)
    for no apparent reason,
    it’s just that funny!

  7. 7
    Top Ten Candy Moments On “The Simpsons” - Linkosphere [ ] says:

    [...] From [...]

  8. 8
    joe says:

    Wasn’t there a Pop Rocks’ scene…maybe about eating Pop Rocks and drinking a coke?


  9. 9
    Jacob says:

    @ Joe, i believe there was, but these are the TOP TEN ;) I have a feeling simpsons has had tons of candy in the almost 20 years theyve been on. What reminds me the most of candy (except the Land of Chocolate) is the only episode (i think) in which they go to a Ice Cream Shop.

    The link in Homer’s Land of Chocolate is broken. That video is too cool to have to look up on Youtube when you see it’s #1:
    Please use that :D

  10. 10
    Armando again says:

    Who else watches the Simpsons? I watch the Simpsons all the time!!

  11. 11
    Armando again says:

    I hope interrupting you’re conversation but yes there was an episode where Homer Went to the ice-cream shop.He had bought the 1,000,000,000 ice-cream cone,With milkdudes,hershul smooches,Mrs. bad bar,gummi-goos and snickles.And thats when he spilled coffee on Kent brockmen!So he said a bad word And lost his carrer.



  12. 12
    sean says:

    I forget in which simpsons this was in..but what about when homer was talking about going fishing with gunmy worms. and then he talks about that’s how he caught his gummy fish. and takes the fish off the wall and takes a bite out of it.

    also, what was best about the land of chocolate was when he took a bite out of the chocolate dog.

  13. 13
    Ruttiger Mikhailson III says:

    I am amazed that list did not include one of the best candy, nay Simpsons, moments ever:

    This was the first scene that came to mind.

    *may take a little while to load*

  14. 14
    Joan says:

    This one is from the Simpsons shorts seen on the Tracey Ullman show in the late ’80s–before the Simpsons got their own half-hour show: The family goes to a therapist for counseling. Bart spies a dish of mints on the therapist’s desk and begins to toss them into his mouth, one after the other. Homer growls, “Put those mints back, boy!” Bart spits out the mints, now liquid, and they flow back into the bowl (with a great sound effect, I might add). That still cracks me up to this day, and it was really the only Simpsons Candy Moment I thought of as I was taking the link to the list! ;)

  15. 15
    Miranda says:

    Great list, but you’re a bit off on the plot of “Homer Badman.” Homer only has two tickets, and he takes Marge because she can carry more than the kids. He steals the gummi Venus de Milo, and it gets stuck to the babysitter’s pants when he’s driving her home. He peels it off, and she mistakes that as a sexual overture, sparking the whole sexual harassment brouhaha.

  16. 16
    Luna says:

    Videos dont work, but this is the best top 10 evur.

  17. 17
    Amy says:

    Gummi Venus di Milo is my #1 moment. I didn’t even remember the chocolate land sequence but it’s immortalized in the newest Simpsons’ video game. You get around by bouncing on Marshmallows.

  18. 18
    Ariel says:

    cooool. i like the butterfingers now.

  19. 19
    Hannah! says:

    I remember licorice whip!!!!!!!! LOL!

  20. 20
    oota says:

    I loved homer in fudge land!!

  21. 21
    Frank 'Grimey" Grimes says:

    Great list, but it is missing ‘Sid and Nancy’ from the episode named “Love, Springfieldian Style”, season 19 episode 12, which satirizes The Sex Pistols. It is soooo funny!!! I love when Sid Vicious and Nancy have a powder in a spoon, and they heat it with a lighter, buts its to make hot chocolate!!

  22. 22
    Sports Quotation Man says:

    Great List. I think that the Chocolate Land Sequence is one of the greatest Simpson’s moments of all-time. To steal the line from the end of Field of Dreams—”Is this heaven?, No, it’s Chocolate Land”

  23. 23
    Gramps says:

    There was an episode where we discovered that Ned Flander’s favorite candy was an old-timey sourball. Yum!

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