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New Candy Addict Staff Page

Categories: Candy,Candy Addict Site News

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Given that we are probably going to bring on some new writers soon, I figured now was a good time to unveil our new staff page. Be sure and click on each person’s name to read about him/her. Take a look and let me know what you think.

While we’re talking about the site, I added a new little widget to the right column – it shows you how many people are reading the site right now and if you click on it you can see what pages are being viewed. I thought it was pretty cool. Here it is:

Number of people on the site right now

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2 Responses to “New Candy Addict Staff Page”

  1. 1
    Kelsey!! says:

    Gret webby!! I LOVE candy and sweets and junk!!!!

  2. 2
    Jenny says:

    Great addition! It’d be nice to see a picture of everyone but I can appreciate the desire for at least SOME anonymity. Thanks for sharing!

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