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Candy Poll: How do you eat your jellybeans?

Categories: Candy,Soft Candy

My wife recently received a big bag of Jelly belly jellybeans as a gift and she took them in to her new job to share. She was amazed that so many people take a handful of them and pop them in all in their mouth. Both she and I eat Jelly Bellys one at a time, but I eat non-Jelly Bellys in multiples. That got us wondering – how does everyone else eat their jellybeans? So, vote in the the poll above and let us know – we’ll report on the results next Thursday.

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6 Responses to “Candy Poll: How do you eat your jellybeans?”

  1. 1
    Carrie says:

    I eat Jelly Bellys one or two at a time – if multiples they have to be the same flavor. And I don’t like other jellybeans – only Jelly Belly.

  2. 2
    Lisa says:

    I remember Jelly Bellys having “recipe’s” on the package… Can’t remember any exactly, but something like, chocolate pudding + cherry = chocolate covered cherry, or green apple + cinnamon = candied apple. I always thought it was fun to try those kinds of combo’s. Otherwise, I only eat 1 at a time. Jelly Belly’s are the best. I like pear flavored!

  3. 3
    Megan:) says:

    i LOVE Jelly Belly JellyBeans their amazing and i love mixing the flavors! :)

  4. 4
    Kaylee says:

    I mix my flavors like Meagan and Carrie. I’d have to say my fave Jelly bean is the popcorn flavor!

  5. 5
    amy says:

    I’m not sure if anyone does this, but I do, I mash my jelly bean, then I squish and then eat it. Wierd….

  6. 6
    Sylvia says:

    i ate jelly beans last year during Halloween. The jelly beans were stored in the pumpkin plastic carrier. I thought it’s cute!

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