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Retro Flashback: Candy Buttons – would you like some candy with that paper?

Categories: Candy,Classic and Retro Candy

Candy Buttons

I was recently strolling through a mall candy store when I was suddenly smacked with an overwhelming sense of nostalgia.

Back in those long-gone days of my youth, I would visit our local mall’s candy store, and invariably buy a few foot long strips of candy buttons. Aah, the memories of those colorful strips, with sections of different colored candies.

It was always a debacle deciding how they should be eaten – pull off one at a time by hand, or use teeth to carefully detach from the white paper backing. Experiments in both methods failed to produce any noticeable differences between the amount of paper backing that invariably ended up in the mouth.

Then, the decision had to be made concerning what should be done with the gooey paper bits. Spit them out, or swallow them like nothing had happened? At the mall, that microcosm of preteen society, spitting out bits of colored paper could get you on the dork-o-rama list, so a lot of paper ended up digested along with the sugary goodness.

In retrospect, I’m not sure why I liked this candy so much. I think it had something to do with the fact that it was a pretty cheap sugar high. Ok, and maybe I had a paper fetish – I was known to eat napkins as a toddler. But don’t tell anyone; I don’t want to end up back on that dork-o-rama list!

Buy Candy Buttons online:

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12 Responses to “Retro Flashback: Candy Buttons – would you like some candy with that paper?”

  1. 1
    la lectrice says:

    Oh yes, I remember those candies fondly. They were certainly cheap and there was a sort of glee in having no choice but to eat those little bits of paper. Didn’t most parents tell kids not to eat paper?

  2. 2
    Sera says:

    I remember when I requested these of my Mom for the first time….she obviosuly understood what we know now. More paper than candy! Ha ha ha. I think I was drawin in by the colors. :P

  3. 3
    mia says:

    Cool blog (cuz I love candy too!) I remember those buttons, still even buy them once in a while.. but they can’t compare to the candy necklaces *grin* Have you done a blog post about them and the “sticky neck” syndrome???????

  4. 4
    Julie says:

    I ate those every week as a child, heck I wouldn’t be opposed to eating them now as an adult. You can never be too old to enjoy good candy.

  5. 5
    catrina says:

    Eh I was the person who ate the paper part of the pixie stix as well.

  6. 6
    C says: (also about methods of candy button eating)

  7. 7
    stephanie says:

    oh YES! these are one of my all-time favorite old time candys!

  8. 8
    jamjam says:

    Legendary Pink Dots, anyone? (Those things look way too much like something that’s not candy.)

  9. 9
    cAIcAIgirl says:

    Love this website i love candy!!!!!!!!

  10. 10
    diane says:

    it brings back a lot of memories as a child !

  11. 11
    blashshhsh says:

    Wow gideon and travis your website is great. you did an excellent job on this

  12. 12
    awaldi says:

    this website is great i eat candy all the time

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