I love Reese’s Pieces. I think they’re one of the most under-advertised, consistently satisfying standbys in the candy aisle. When I saw the bright orange, one pound family size bag of Pastel Eggs, my only hesitation came when deciding on whether to put one or two bags in my cart. I decided on one to start. It lasted four days.
In case anyone has somehow passed over regular Reese’s Pieces, here’s the rundown: they’re similar to the size and shape of regular M&M’s and are billed as “peanut butter candy in a crunchy shell.†They’re unlike any other candy I’ve ever had, and are especially good when blended with soft ice cream or frozen custard.
What excited me most about the Pastel Eggs was their shape and size. Unlike lots of candy that just gets a holiday color scheme makeover, Reese’s took the Pieces and made them into egg-shaped candy roughly the size of marbles. I rushed home, slit open the bag, and poured a dozen (the serving size) blue, green, pink, and yellow Pastel Eggs onto a paper towel and got down to business.
Reese’s didn’t disappoint me with their venture into the world of large-size Pieces. They’re just like big versions of the original candy—crunchy, peanut buttery, addictive. The only fault I found is that I felt a little overfull after eating them, but I admittedly ate more than the original dozen on my paper towel.
I think I like regular Reese’s Pieces better, perhaps because there’s more candy shell than on the Pastel Eggs, but I definitely recommend the holiday version for the family candy dish. I don’t know about your usual place to buy candy, but the Wal-Mart shelves were well-stocked with pound bags, and as Easter draws near, it seems like every major retailer adds another shelf of holiday candy. No complaints here!
I agree with you. Reeses Pieces are awesome and really don’t get the recognition they deserve.
March 14th, 2007 at 11:04 amI love reese’s pieces but these eggs don’t take anything like the original!
March 15th, 2007 at 12:48 pmThese eggs are the absolute best!! IMO they do taste like the original just three time larger :D
I have been looking for them this year, but with no luck. Don’t get stuck in rush hour with a bag in the car is the only warning I have for everyone out there.
March 18th, 2007 at 3:31 pmI love them, but they seem to have one of the highest calorie-per-serving ratios of any commonly-available candy. So alas, I never buy them
March 21st, 2007 at 6:42 pmI cannot find this candy anywhere. live in North Carolina and have searched several stores…
February 22nd, 2008 at 3:58 pmThis are so good. These are the most addictive candy around. If I crack a bag, they will be gone shortly. They are like the original Reece’s, just bigger! That means BETTER!
Easter has the best candy line up of all the holiday’s, hands down, and this is one of the top candies at Easter. Just wish i could get them year round!
February 28th, 2008 at 4:45 pm