We’re already familiar with the Japanese confectioner Meiji, who makes the most popular chocolate bars in Japan. I wasn’t too surprised when I found out according to Nikkei.net, this bar is #3 in popularity. Pretty impressive! The packaging is gorgeous, a nice beautiful bright strawberry/raspberry red color. The label in the top corner boasts the bar contains 70% fresh strawberry pulp. I hope so, because that sounds so good!
I was surprised when I opened the bar, because I was expecting the typical milk chocolate looking bar that was a nice rich brown color. To my surprise this bar was a rich maroon, almost the same color of the wrapper! So beautiful! It’s really red! I’ve never had a red candy bar before, and it reminds me of the rich color of a berry sorbet. It really looks like it’s mainly made of strawberries.
The taste is not chocolately at all (it is supposed to? I wonder…) which was what I was expecting. I’m glad it doesn’t because the bar really tastes of a fresh strawberry, as if you look strawberry jelly and turned it into a creamy candy bar. It’s amazing! The confection, upon biting it, is sweet with a fruity aftertaste and that is real to strawberry. Wow. The texture is creamy and smooth despite the bits of strawberry flesh that is mixed in. I’m hooked. Find some for yourself to try now!
Buy Meiji Rich Strawberry Bar online:

wow! thats crazy! drooooollll slurp!
March 8th, 2007 at 3:06 pmI think its very creative to do such a thing which looks like chocolate and gives the same creamy plesaure yet has a fresh strawberry taste.. Like a mind game.
Awesome. I wish I had some, though thanks for the enthusiastic description of the experience. :)
I’ve had this. It’s absolutely fantastic and I regret not buying a boxful before returning from Japan :(
March 22nd, 2007 at 1:30 amThey’re selling these at Asian Food Grocer for $2.79
March 26th, 2007 at 2:13 pmLinks are all dead. Was this product killed?
March 10th, 2008 at 1:39 amI got the green tea flavour of this chocolate bar, and it had a very nice light matcha flavour. I haven’t seen the strawberry flavour yet, but thanks to your review, I will definitely buy it when I see it! =)
April 10th, 2008 at 9:15 pmThis bar is intesely strawberry, but so so good. I like the matcha bar better, but this one is great.
August 8th, 2008 at 12:16 pm