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Chomp, Inc.’s got candy for your pets

Categories: Candy,Mint Candy,Novelty Candy

Yip Yap

I’ve always wanted to share the joys of candy addiction with my dogs, and thanks to a company called Chomp, Inc, now I safely can. Sniffers dog candy come in beef and cheese and chicken and cheese flavors, which I suppose is as enticing as caramel and chocolate is to humans. Bone-shaped Yip Yap breath mints are designed to cut the stink from your best friend’s smile with ingredients like green tea and rosemary, but they still appeal to hounds by including liver in the mix. For felines, fish-shaped Pit’r Pat mints help with the halitosis and satisfy the tummy with green tea, rosemary oil, and yes, liver.

Yip Yaps run about $3 per tin, while Pit’r Pats about a dollar less. 1.1 oz pouches of Sniffers cost around 99 cents. According to Chomp, the treats are available at most major national retailers, as well as a diverse selection of online retailers. I haven’t seen these in stores, but I’m always looking for new ways to keep my dogs happy, and fresh breath would be a bonus. The tins are cute, too. Just don’t get the candies confused with your stash, unless you think liver will freshen your breath!

Editor’s Note: I bought some of the Pit’r Pat at petSmart a while back and my cats loved them!

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candy, sweets, pets, dogs, cats, treats, mints

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6 Responses to “Chomp, Inc.’s got candy for your pets”

  1. 1
    Suzique says:

    My two dogs LOVE Yip-Yaps! I buy them at Bed, Bath and Beyond, of all places–they have them out near the registers.

  2. 2
    Megan says:

    I’ve seen those at the checkout counter
    of Winn Dixie.

  3. 3
    Moko says:

    Do they still make those multicolored doggie treat biscuits in the shapes of bones? (My grandparents still have them at their house, but their dogs have been dead for ten years…which tells you how long my grandparents keep things.)

    In any case, I used to love eating those things when I was a kid. I wonder if Yip Yaps have that same kind of meal-y, protein-y taste to them?

  4. 4 T-Shirts says:

    My pomeranian LOVES yip-yaps. I also get mine from BB&B.

  5. 5
    April says:

    My cat, Buffy, hated the cat candy when I bought it for her.

    When one of mom’s friends got it for her…she ate up the entire tin.

  6. 6
    Darla says:

    They also sell these at PetCo. I bought my Sheltie a pack of these. They were helpful. Sometimes he had to be enticed a bit to eat them. I would often need to break them in half – I think so he could smell them better, then he’d eat them. They are in cute little bone shapes but they are sort of hard to break in two!

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