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This just in: Men More Likely to Give than Receive on Valentine’s Day

Categories: Candy,Candy News,Holiday Candy

Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

In a somewhat sad revelation, the National Confectioners Association has discovered that only 6 percent of men receive gifts on Valentine’s Day. They pour affection and chocolate over their loved ones, and apparently expect nothing in return. Therefore, the NCA has declared men “America’s Biggest Sweethearts”.

So, what does everyone think? Do any girls give their guys Valentine’s Day gifts, and do any of you guys think you deserve something in return? Personally, I always share my chocolate with my sweetie, but I never really considered giving him anything. Hmmm, maybe that should change this year?

candy, sweets, chocolates, valentines day, chocolate, survey

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8 Responses to “This just in: Men More Likely to Give than Receive on Valentine’s Day”

  1. 1
    Crystal says:

    I always give my boyfriend ( now fiance) a gift on Valentine’s Day. He usually buys me flowers, a card, jewerly, dinner etc. somewhere around that area. Since are Valentine’s Day is very special to us I believe he deserves something special also. I usually bake him his favorite desert, or maybe cook him his favorite dinner if we don’t go out. I believe if guys treat women good then they deserve something in return.

  2. 2
    Sera says:

    I always give on Valentines Day: to my mom, dad, sisters and to the boyfriend if I have one.

  3. 3
    Brian says:

    I’m a guy and I always give *and* receive

  4. 4
    Maria says:

    I always give my boyfriend something on Valentines day, and if I have any single guy friends, I’ll whip up a batch of cookies or something quick and small – yet thoughtful for them.
    Of course what I give my boyfriend means tons more than theirs, I think it’s the thought that counts!

    As my boyfriend says – it’s sweet! =)

  5. 5
    Lidian says:

    I always give my guy something – he’s getting Ferraro Rocher this year, his fave. I get something for my kids too. How nice of me! (They get me stuff too, BTW – also nice!)

  6. 6
    Heather says:

    I love to give on Valentine’s Day! However, working at a well-known retail card and gift shop, I have become aware that leading up to Valentine’s Day, it’s men buying the most gifts. Women tend to buy more cards and decorations, but men buy the heart-shaped boxes of chocolates, mylar balloons, stuffed animals, romantic sentiment gifts and so on. Also, men tend to want to buy the largest possible items. I guess they feel the bigger the gift, the bigger the love. *Shrugs* ^_^

  7. 7
    Kyon says:

    I bought my husband some Almond Rocha, a heart shaped box of candy(Hershey’s Pot Of Gold) and a large coffee cup/cereal bowl with a stuffed dog in it(I just wanted to get him the mug). We are doing our Valentines like they do in Korea and Japan, guys get chocolate/ gifts on Valentine’s Day and girls get gifts in return on White Day the next month.

  8. 8
    patti says:

    In Japan women give chocolates to guys but guys can give women “reverse chocolate” – its all very confusing

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