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What Flavor of Pocky Are You?

Categories: Candy,Candy Games,Foreign (non-US) Candy


You Are Green Tea Pocky

Your attitude: natural and zen
Peaceful yet full of life. Deep and thoughtful.
You’re halfway to tantric bliss!

I’ve always enjoyed filling out the hundreds of online quizzes that exist on the internet. Luckily, I’ve finally found one that suited for all us Candy Addicts: The What Flavor of Pocky Are You Quiz! I’ve never thought about candy philosophically in terms of assigning personalities to it or visa versa. Maybe the idea spawned from a Pocky induced sugar rush?

In any case, this Pocky Quiz is so much fun! Are you Chocolate Pocky? Strawberry? Decorer? As you can tell from the image above, I am Green Tea Pocky. I don’t think that it completely sounds like me, but Green Tea Pocky is yummy, so who am I to argue?

candy, sweets, pocky, quiz, fun, foreign, chocolate, Japan, Japanese

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One Response to “What Flavor of Pocky Are You?”

  1. 1
    Heather says:

    I love this quiz! I’ve had my result (strawberry ^_^) on my MySpace page since I started it (MySpace). Pocky fans unite! Ha ha. XD

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