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Laffy Taffy Not So Laffy

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Laffy Taffy

Famous candy tycoon Willy Wonka has discovered, to his absolute horror, that one of the jokes featured on a Laffy Taffy wrapper was not actually funny. To correct this humor crisis, he has put out a call for a “new deputy executive director of Wonka Laffy Taffy wrapper humor management.” Prospective applicants must send in two original jokes, three puns, and “a description of a humorous situation guaranteed to make both a fourth grader and a 70-year-old fall down laughing.”

All relevant info is contained on the Wonka candy press release, as well as a page on But they stuck a disclaimer at the bottom: “The Joke is On You! We will not actually be hiring for this position, but we still want you to submit your jokes and other comments.”

Darn, I was hoping this was real, and people would get a chance to work alongside Mr. Wonka himself and his loyal team of Oompa-Loompas.

Buy Laffy Taffy online:

candy, sweets, taffy, Wonka, laffy taffy, taffy, Willy Wonka

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9 Responses to “Laffy Taffy Not So Laffy”

  1. 1
    Whitney says:

    Hey, I’m Whitney from Cone Inc.; we represent WONKA® candies and want to let you know that Willy Wonka is preparing for his wackiest, wildest, craziest idea yet.

    The Oompa Loompas, who are always looking for an opportunity to add to the fun, have produced a video that we want you to be among the first to see. The video will help Willy announce his wacky idea and show how you can help.

    This is just a heads up. The video will be up on on April 1st but we will share it with you next week.


  2. 2
    amberlee says:

    What is it?

  3. 3
    Brandi says:

    Didn’t Laffy Taffy’s used to be square? What year did the new shape come about?

  4. 4
    Dro says:

    shake that laffy taffy
    that laffy taffy

  5. 5
    Joe says:

    SERIOUSLY! What happened to the squares?

  6. 6
    Whitney says:

    I miss the square and absolutely hate the new shape. The square was perfect. Why did you go and mess with such a good thing? Can I get laffy taffy anywhere in the old square shape?

  7. 7
    Laura says:

    I acutally ate a Laffy Taffy one time that had the FUNNIEST joke on it. I was quite surprised, and now it’s my favorite joke of all time!

    Q: What were Tarzan’s last words?
    A: Who greased the vine!?!!

  8. 8
    Kvn11 says:

    ummmm brandi the shapes been like that forever…..T.T

  9. 9
    me404 says:

    no the used to be square i agree i liked them better square to

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