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M&M’s Produces World Wildlife Fund Collectible Banks

Categories: Candy,Candy Gadgets,Chocolate Candy,Novelty Candy

M&M's Panda Bank

Combining candy with a good cause is music to my ears. M&M’s and the World Wildlife Fund have joined forces to produce four colorful animal banks: Panda, Dolphin, Bird of Paradise, and Tiger. Each bank costs $10 and comes with M&M’s in colors that match the banks. The banks could make cute gifts or nice additions to any collection, and the candy really does match each bank. The Panda bank has black and white candy; Bird of Paradise contains red, yellow, and green; Dolphin has white and two shades of blue; and Tiger has black, white, and orange.

For every bank purchased, $1 goes to protecting and saving wildlife worldwide. Order all four, and you can have a candy jungle and a healthy dose of good karma!

candy, sweets, chocolate, MMs, banks, collectible, wildlife, World Wildlife Fund, conservation, WWF

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3 Responses to “M&M’s Produces World Wildlife Fund Collectible Banks”

  1. 1
    Megan says:

    Too cute !

  2. 2
    Heather says:

    Panda! Eee! ^_^ How wonderful! I love how the candies are color-coordinated to the type of animal bank it is!

  3. 3
    Marilyn says:

    Do I have all the banks? I have: Panda, Tiger, Lion, Bird of Paradise, Roseate Spoonbills, Pygmy Bunnies, Dolphin
    If I do not have them all, what am I missing and where can I find it?

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