As I was enjoying the tiny chocolate essence of Sixlets one day (see our Sixlets Flashback for more Sixlets info), I wondered how Sixlets got their name. I counted the colors… Orange, yellow, green, brown, and red. That’s five… I counted the candies in the package. More than six. I counted the ingredients. More than six. I looked over the nutrition facts. Not a “6″ in sight. Why on Earth are these candies called Sixlets? For some reason I can’t explain, I felt compelled to know.
I looked at the plastic package again. “Questions or comments about this product?” Oh yes. I called the toll-free number. Oddly enough, I never could get a human being on the line. Eventually, I shrugged and hung up. I noticed the website on the wrapper. http://www.hersheys.com/.
Perhaps I could find the answer there. Though I had a wonderful time browsing through info about other delicious Hershey’s products, Sixlets were nowhere to be found. I e-mailed them my query. I received a basic “thank you for your e-mail” message, but that was all.
I was growing desperate. Was there no history to be found about the Sixlet? I began e-mailing companies that sold Sixlets online. The ones that replied were very sweet. (No pun intended.) I got a lot of apologetic “I have no idea”s and “good question”s, and even a couple that said if I do find out, to please let them know as well! Even a search on Wikipedia returns minimal information.
Old Time Candy states, “We have been told that they are called Sixlets because originally they came six to a package.” Is this true?
I also mentioned Sixlets to a friend who lives in Canada, and he had never heard of them. I thought that was odd but not very odd, since he is in another country. However, I mentioned them to my co-workers, and a few said they had never heard of them, either! Holy smokes! I had no idea Sixlets were so elusive! They always seemed to common to me as I was growing up.
Even now, as I look at the empty wrapper, I am in awe of how mysterious they are. When were they originally created? Was the name significant or was it just a trick to get your attention and make you wonder? If it was just to get attention, it certainly worked!
Buy Sixlets Online:
I have heard of Sixlets before, but I’ve never eaten them, and I do admit, I don’t know *what* they are….gum? chocolate? fruit chews?
I wish you luck with your search! :)
December 15th, 2006 at 2:45 pmI remember Sixlets in NYC in the late 1960s/early 1970s. I really liked them but there was only one place I could find them (don’t recall where) so they weren’t exactly super-popular I guess…also they sort of tasted like fake chocolate to me. I recall some Japanese fake-chocolate mini eggs (like the kind you get at Easter, only theses were not Easter-related) that were, although not real chocolate quite nice. Usually I don’t like ersatz choc but Sixlets were nice. I didn;t know you couls still find them BTW!
December 15th, 2006 at 5:55 pmLOL! Fake chocolate is actually pretty accurate. Try looking up “carob” on Wikipedia, if you dare. :)
December 16th, 2006 at 1:55 pmMaybe they were a play on Chicklets the chewing gum.
December 17th, 2006 at 1:03 amSixlets got their name from the original packaging… They shipped out six to a pack, not six little pieces, six boxes to a pack, sold individually. And the boxes were a small count (not sure what the exact count was). But since the demand for them increased, bulk sales and shipping to retailers was more appropriate, concluding the now sold in 48 boxes to a pack. In fact, most candy that was manufactured when Sixlets came out sold and shipped out in smaller quantities. The human population from the 60′s to now has drastically increased, thus the demand for most anything sold from retailers as well.
January 22nd, 2007 at 8:23 pmHoly cow! O.O! Thank you, Anthony!!!
January 24th, 2007 at 12:06 amsixlets are the best candy ever!!
April 18th, 2007 at 12:37 pmyeah the reason sixlets are so good is because they mix malt with the chocolate to give the distinctive chocolate flavor. I also have no clue why they are called sixlets, but i do have a prized mispackage with only six in the package, i will never let that go long live the sixlet!!!!!!
June 9th, 2007 at 12:55 amI was wondering the same thing just the other day. I’ve actually been eating them a lot lately. DO NOT BUY THEM ONLINE unless its ebay they’re super over priced. If you have save-a-lot in town check there. I found 5 ounce bags for a buck or two.
September 6th, 2007 at 9:56 pmRecently my daughter received a candy bag from a party her grandma went to. In the candy bag, I saw a candy I have not seen in over 20 years. I quickly noticed the rapping and had a smile from ear to ear. I agree with Ally, “Sixlets are the best candy ever!” Too bad they don’t have a “Sixlets” t-shirt. I talked to some of my co-workers and friends, they too had forgotten about the candy and wondered what had happened to them. Now I am looking for a “Sixlets” in deep south Texas, does anyone know where?
September 18th, 2007 at 11:45 pmLongview Tx Wal-Mart two bags a week——adiction?
September 30th, 2007 at 5:48 pmOkay, i seriously have been trying to figure out why sixlets are called sixlets for the last week or so… Its driving me crazy… And this is on the only thing i have came across that has any answer at all…
It makes me really sad.
January 4th, 2008 at 11:44 pmhaha, I just buy them at the dollar tree.
haha, i seached on google to see if anyone knew
the reason behind the name.
Thank you thank you.
i can now sleep at night haha.:]
January 22nd, 2008 at 4:50 pmI am so thankful that there are other people out there who not only know what Sixlets are but actually like eating them as well. I love Sixlets! I hadn’t had them in years. Last week I went into a craft store and to my amazement… Sixlets candy. I snatched up a whole arm-load of them. I have so many fond memories of them when I was a kid in the 80′s. Why are these not more popular?!
March 30th, 2008 at 9:02 pmi was just eating some sixlets and wondered how they got the name i guess i am not alone!!! those of you who cant find them anywhere you should come to oklahoma almost every conveience store has them!!!
April 3rd, 2008 at 9:43 pmYes, Sixlets were given that name because they were orinally sold in packets of six. I’m only sixteen but I’ve been eating sixlets for as long as I can remember. My sister’s who are 8-10 years older than me are the ones who introduced me to them. I was just eating them when I realized that the package does not say what year sixlets were created so I started looking. And they can be bought in 11 ounce boxes at Cost Plus =]
July 4th, 2008 at 4:48 pmNot only would I like to know why they’re called “Sixlets” (the six to a package story makes sense) but also, what year were they first introduced and by what company? Hersheys sold them to Oak Leaf Confections in 2002, but who did Hershey buy them from, and when?
July 17th, 2008 at 8:43 pmomg – i stumbled across a “movie size” box of sixlets at wal-mart the other day and scooped up a couple boxes. i’m headed to a 60s party on saturday and was wondering when this delish candy i remember as a child was created. (all i’ve read indicates it’s 60s candy.) but i’ve yet to learn the exact year.
all the web info i read lead me to actually read the ingredients on the box (i’d never, ever read the ingredients until just now) and was surprised to discover that there actually was carob in there (i sooo despised that carob crap as a kid – but amazingly loved these candies.) they taste and texture is something like a whopper and a bad m&M, but i still love ‘em.
i read on one site that hershey bought out Leaf, who originally made sixlets (and whoppers). hersey’s still has the much more famous whoppers, but sold the sixlets to a sweetworks company.
sixlets are still the candy i’ll steal from my kids’ halloween bag. :)
enjoy fellow sixlet wonderers!!
July 18th, 2008 at 1:26 amI work for the company that manufactures Sixlets. When they first came out they were sold in a “bubble gum” like machine and you got 6 for a penny. Thats how they became Sixlets…
July 18th, 2008 at 2:43 pmI actually worked at a factory in Canada (Toronto) which made Sixlets. Nobody had any idea why they were called “Sixlets.” We thought the candy tasted horrible. It leaves a weird after-taste in your mouth if you eat enough of them.
August 8th, 2008 at 8:59 pmHave you ever tried to make them float? Lay on your back, put one on your lips and blow real hard. It floats and spins above your mouth. When you get tired just open your mouth and enjoy.
October 31st, 2008 at 1:36 pmI have tried to think of anything to justify the reason for them being called “Sixlets” but can come up with nothing.
November 12th, 2008 at 4:55 pmYes. They came 6 to a pack. My sister and I bought them at a store that had “penny” candy. (I’m 53.) They’re nummy. Unlike M&Ms the candy coating has a fruity flavor.
February 13th, 2009 at 3:47 amI find Sixlets at hospital gift shops. They used to sell them at Village Pantry, a convenience store in Indiana and Ohio.
August 5th, 2009 at 4:11 pmomg, I have not seen SIXLETS since I was a kid. Now u all got me curious as to finding out their origin.
October 19th, 2009 at 12:55 amlol im eating them right now!im 26 and have eatin them since i was a little kid. Ilove them there my fav.i think that fruity flaver is orenge,but im not sure.Iget mine frome wall mart.
June 15th, 2010 at 12:21 pmI was two in 1967 when I first remember them off a shelf in my grandma’s store near the Army base where my father (who is English) was stationed. I’m 45 and my kids love them. They cam in packs of 6 when I was a little girl.
January 15th, 2011 at 4:40 pmI think the size of each one is 6mm. I’ve investigated this thoroughly.
August 5th, 2011 at 12:34 pmI’d still like to know what year they were first introduced
September 11th, 2011 at 6:16 amI have had some sixlets on my desk in the candy dish, for a couple weeks now. So many people don’t know what they are, but everyone asks, Why are they called sixlets? It is so good to know now, I never knew the answer either. I now have my grandkids eating them….
September 22nd, 2011 at 10:29 amThis is so funny. I had no idea people were also trying to find the reason for the name. I just threw a Navy going away party and wanted blue and red items. I found Sixlets in bags of individual colors at Party City. They were perfect. My aunt saw them and went crazy! (55 years old) then one of my daughters friends saw them and did the same (age 20) Its cool to see that this little candy that doesnt seem to have been very popular, was actually well known and appreciated by so many.
September 29th, 2011 at 11:51 pmI am looking for information about Sixlets history myself. I could swear the Sixlets I had as a kid were from Wonka, but I cannot verify that anywhere yet.
Who did Hershey buy them from?
October 9th, 2011 at 10:13 amSixlets are the BEST! I’m eating a whole box right now.
November 20th, 2011 at 9:50 pmI can find bags of Sixlets at the Dollar Tree. I just bought Christmas ones with red, green and white pieces. Very few people in my office had heard of them but they tried them anyway and agreed they weren’t that good (spoiled M&M eaters, I guess.) They aren’t as good as when I was a kid but it’s more of a nostalgia thing for me!
December 14th, 2011 at 2:19 pmIt looks like the history of sixlets will be shrouded in mystery for a while. Everyone that has been exposed to the candy has fallen in love. No doubt they have good taste.
February 14th, 2012 at 2:17 pmI had eaten sixlets since the early 1960′s. The candy was sold by the tube and displayed in cardboard trays.The candy tubes changed in price almost every year until President Nixon in the US froze prices to combat inflation.
I worked as a casual in the local Kline’s 5&10 in 1968 washing floors, painting,vaccuming rugs,straighting the cards and toys, filling up the candy, and a few other things. I use to snack on the sixlets which were always in dark colors of red, orange, green, brown, and yellow.
Penney Candy as it was refered to rose in price due to inflation and the cost of sugar ect. but sixlets were a bargain remaining under ten cents for a long time. M’Ms were packed in bags so they rose in priced much faster than sixlets which came in only in tubes back then tubes. Hershey supplied the chocolate to M’Ms (1 M stands for Milton Hershey)the other M stands for Mars. Mars got a different supplier for chocolate pissing off Milton Hershey so it is possible sixlets were the only way Hershey could produce candy covered chocolate to avoid a patent violation?
March 18th, 2012 at 2:09 pmThe little mascot on the package has 6 sections.
February 14th, 2013 at 2:44 pmI am very irritated with sixlets. The name has no reason behind it. I am appauled by the unjustified misuse of the name.
November 30th, 2013 at 5:01 amsometimes I stay awake at night wondering how I will make it to the next day never really knowing the true reason behind the name sixlets. I once had a cat named keoki, but he died while I was eating sixlets. it saddens me to wonder if they were called fivelets then maybe my cat would still be alive.
November 30th, 2013 at 5:12 am