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Cool and wacky candy from Japan

Candy Pillows, Messenger Bags, and Tees

Categories: Candy,Candy Clothing,Candy Gadgets,Lollipops,PEZ Candy

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Looking for something new to drool over – or on, as the case may be? There are loads of candy-themed items online… you can find candy-shaped pillows, candy t-shirts, and candy-themed messenger bags – you’re almost sure to find something featuring your favorite candy, past or present.

Be sure and check out this extensive collection of candy-themed t-shirts. You can find Wonka tees with Nerds, Runts, or Laffy Taffy; classic candy like Butterfinger, Crunch, and Goobers; lots of Dubble Bubble clothing, and even “lesser” candies like Chupa Chups, Razzles, Bit-O-Honey, Fun Dip, and Wax Lips. Some of their shirts are really awesome!

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17 Responses to “Candy Pillows, Messenger Bags, and Tees”

  1. 1
    Heather says:

    Walmart has many vintage candy tshirts, that are a lot cheaper, i know walmart is bad… but its so cheap!

  2. 2
    Goob says:

    Hey that’s neat! Thanks I bookmarked it.

  3. 3
    ZoZoHarle says:

    WOW! When I make my Christmas Wish List, I’ll just have a link to the pillows page. XD The Nerds one is the only one I have… so far. Laffy Taffy is next! Ha ha!

  4. 4
    tareya rhone says:

    hey i love your product…, and I buy nerds religiously… Can i get a lifetime supply…hahahha
    Do you sell pants with the logo?

  5. 5
    MEGGERS-N-JANE says:

    FREAK YAH! these are awesome! it wouldso go with my room.. its painted like a candycane!

  6. 6
    Jessica says:

    i am so addicted to war heads…sweet!

  7. 7
    Gem says:

    Omg.. NERDS candy pillow :D
    This is sooo cool :) hahaha i really want this..
    its sooo cute

  8. 8
    Camerob says:

    Omg so cool love ur sight!!!

  9. 9
    vesy98 says:

    I have always loved nerds and now that it is a pillow its awesome!

  10. 10
    Haley says:

    OMG i want that pillow!!!!!

  11. 11
    Haley says:

    they should make a pocket and fill it up with nerds before you buy it .even if it was 5 million dollers i would buy it !!!!!!!!

  12. 12
    oota says:


  13. 13
    kelsea says:

    omgg. i love nerds. and maybe because i am one haha jk XD. im going to get this pillow.

  14. 14
    Mackenzi says:

    I LOVE BUTTER FINGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I think there should be a butter finger everything because butter fingers are delicious! Once i named my cat butter finger but i had to give it a different name because i kept trying to eat it and he didn’t like that so he scratched me.

  15. 15
    Mackenzi says:

    I LOVE BUTTER FINGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I think there should be a butter finger everything because butter fingers are delicious! Once i named my cat butter finger but i had to give it a different name because i kept trying to eat it and he didn’t like that so he scratched me a lot.

  16. 16
    grumoy unicorn ):( says:

    That is 1 awesome pillow

  17. 17
    Tinkerbell says:

    that is awesome!

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