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Be a PEZ Clown for Halloween!

Categories: Candy,Candy Clothing,Holiday Candy,PEZ Candy

Pez Costume

Finally, a costume for all the PEZ-obsessed Candy Addicts out there – the PEZ clown costume. The costume is available in both adult and children’s sizes for you and your little Candy Addict.

I’m pretty sure this is the first year that an officially-licensed PEZ costume has been available for sale. Being a pretty big PEZ fan, I’ve actually looked for one in the past, and even considered making my own, though I never did.

These will cost you a fair chunk of change ($40 or $50) and time is running out to get one in time for Halloween, but if you’re dedicated, you’ll take the plunge. You may be able to find them cheaper (and faster) at your local Halloween retailer though.

candy, sweets, halloween, costume, costumes, pez, clown, clowns

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2 Responses to “Be a PEZ Clown for Halloween!”

  1. 1
    clown says:

    this clown is good

  2. 2
    MEGGERS-N-JANE says:

    i have to say if someone opend the door wearing that…. i would kick their shins and run!!!!!!!!!!!

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