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Candy Catcher Costumes

Categories: Candy,Candy Clothing,Holiday Candy

Candy Catcher

A designer has finally come up with a cute way for kids to haul their Halloween candy around without worrying over bags that could break or get snatched by bullies. If you have a little one who wants to go bagless this October, check out the Candy Catchers at Costume Craze.

Garfield and Thomas the Tank appear well made, although I haven’t seen them in person. I only spot one potential disaster—smashed chocolate in the pouch—but hey, part of getting gobs of candy is making a sticky mess. The costumes are $18.95 and $27.95. There are tons of assorted other costumes available on the site too, but the Candy Catchers are truly unique.

Also see: candy costumes

candy, sweets, Halloween, costumes, kids, costume

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One Response to “Candy Catcher Costumes”

  1. 1
    Kat says:

    Yeah, what happens if the kid trips and falls?

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