Today marks the one year anniversary of Candy Addict. One year ago I started this blog without really knowing in what direction I was going to to take it (and PLEASE don’t go back and read the first couple weeks of posts – they are horrible). Now, I have a firm handle of what does and doesn’t make it onto the site and the writing is much better.
Back then we had NO readers, now we have lots. I’m continually amazed at how many people actually read Candy Addict. It’s an amazing feeling to start something from scratch and watch it grow right in front of your eyes. I have had many, many people say they love the site and it’s incredible to know that people read and enjoy what you write/create.
Thanks go out to everyone that reads the site and thank you to everyone who has told a friend about the site. Thank you also to everyone that has ever linked to us. Without all the readers, sharers, and linkers, this site would still be sitting in an unused corner of the web somewhere (but I would probably still be writing it). So to all of you, we send a big THANK YOU! Stay tuned, because we have plenty more to come in the next year!
For those of you who are curious, here are some interesting stats about Candy Addict. If you don’t care about stats, you can stop reading this post now.
- We have about 450 RSS readers according to FeedBurner
- Our current Alexa ranking is 101,339 (almost in the top 100,000!)
- Our current Technorati ranking is 7,454 with 634 links from 309 blogs
- August 2006 was our biggest month yet with huge links from and that caused us to get just shy of 120,000 unique visitors that month (the month before was 46K and the month after was 68K) and we used 59.13 GB of bandwidth that month
- There are 572 posts as of this writing, and there are 1,643 reader comments
- We’ve posted 119 items in the candy review category and declared only 17 of them as Awesomely Addictive
- In the four months that we have had it installed, Akismet has blocked 22,500 SPAM comments
- Candy Addict was mentioned in a print newspaper three times – The Holland Sentinel in Michigan, The Patriot Ledger in Boston, and in The NY Times
- Candy Addict was on the radio at least once (and I suspect a few other times from links I have found)
- Candy Addict was on TV once
- We’ve gone from one writer (me) to five writers – me (Brian), David, Victoria, Caitlin, and Robert
Hmmmm…..that’s all the interesting facts I can think of. If anyone has any other questions, leave them in the comments section and I’ll try and answer them.
Happy blog-a-versary to you Brian and the whole team – Victoria, Robert, David & Caitlin.
I’m looking forward to more awesomely addictive things!
October 2nd, 2006 at 2:10 amHappy birthday to you!
October 2nd, 2006 at 7:59 amHappy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to the Candy Addicts!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, Hope it’s a great one! You guys deserve it.
October 2nd, 2006 at 9:46 pmHappy Birthday! I didn’t realize you had only been around a year.
Very good content, very good writing! :)
October 12th, 2006 at 1:14 pm