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Psycho Funky Chimp – a Hollywood PEZ movie

Categories: Candy,Candy News,PEZ Candy

(A PEZ monkey, not the Psycho Funky Chimp dispenser)

First-time film director Ruben Fleisher is currently working on a movie which revolves around a 26 year old who buys the rarest PEZ dispenser in the world, the Psycho Funky Chimp (a fictional PEZ dispenser). Once the 26 year old main character (yet uncast) purchases the Psycho Funky Chimp dispenser, it attracts all manner of ne’er-do-wells, thieves, and fanboys.

The script will be written by Michael Bacall (who’s acted in a bunch of things, but hasn’t written much), and produced by Todd Phillips in association with MTV Films. Todd Phillips directed Old School, Road Trip, and School For Scoundrels. MTV Films brought you films like Napolean Dynamite, Hustle and Flow, and the original Jackass movie.

Only time will tell if this movie ever gets finished and released, as it’s still in the very early stages of being just a spec script. I hope it does though, because I’m sure it would bring with it a whole slew of new PEZ collectibles, and I’d imagine some sort of actual Psycho Funky Chimp dispenser. I can only hold my breath and wait in PWZ-fanboy-anticipation.

candy, sweets, PEZ, movie, movies, monkey, monkeys, hollywood

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