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Candy Review: Pet Rat and Pet Tarantula from Jelly Belly

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Gummi/Gummy Candy,Novelty Candy

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Did you know Jelly Belly made other things besides jellybeans? I bet most people don’t. Jelly Belly actually makes over 100 other candies besides jellybeans. I picked up this Gummi Pet Rat, as well as the Gummi Pet Tarantula while at the Philly Candy Show recently so I figured I’d write up a review of them.

The Gummi Rat was ENORMOUS – it measures just over 9 inches, including the tail. The package claims the rat weighs only 3 ounces, but it felt way heavier than that. They come in Marshmallow, Licorice, Strawberry, and Orange flavors, (mine was Strawberry). It was actually quite delicious if you can get past the fact that you’re eating something modeled after a giant nuisance rodent, you’ll be golden.

The Pet Tarantula, which is 1.5 ounces, is a pretty decent mold of a spider. the one I received was Blackberry flavored (also available in Cherry, Lemon, Lime, Pineapple, and Strawberry), and was different than other gummi flavors I’ve had. It’s kind of a bizarre cherry flavor, but had a weird, minty aftertaste. Overall it’s pretty good, though not my favorite by any means, maybe because I felt like I was eating something that I made in my Creepy Crawler oven.

Each different gummi comes with a sheet of fun facts about the animal you are about to consume in gummi form. For example: Did you know that rats can fit through a hole the size of a nickel? Now you do. Don’t thank me, thank Jelly Belly. As an added bonus, each gummi contains 100% of you daily allowance of Vitamin C. They’re practically health food!

Buy Jelly Belly Gummis online:

candy, sweets, gummi, rat, tarantula, rats, jelly belly

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3 Responses to “Candy Review: Pet Rat and Pet Tarantula from Jelly Belly”

  1. 1
    Brad McCall says:

    I’ve always been a big fan of anything gummy, but recently I tried one of these gummy rats. One of my friends bought me one in the marshmallow flavor (the white one) since he knew that I liked marshmallows. It was yucky. Uhhhg. I don’t know if I’ve tasted a candy that bad in a long time. I also have an orange one that I hope to dig into later this week – we’ll see if it’s as bad.

  2. 2
    Ashes says:

    My friend Caitlin bought me the black licorice rat over spring break. She gave it to me today, and I thought it was AWESOME. I told her when she gave it to me that I didn’t like licorice, but that I’d name him Bernard and carry him around. I like how the rats are so solid and don’t melt very easily (well, this is Oregon in the springtime). I’d like to try the cherry (not strawberry) flavor.. Seems yummy. :D I bet I couldn’t stomach a tarantula though.. I’m deathly afraid of spiders. Haha. Creepy.

  3. 3
    Pam says:

    There was once a bubble gum gummy rat that has now disappeared! These are not only my favorite flavor of jelly belly but the texture of the rat made this my favorite candy ever. Please help me find the long lost bubble gum gummy rat and let me savor my favorite candy one last time!!!!!!!!

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