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Candy Review: Fear Factor Gross-Out Gummy Pig-Out Platter

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Gross Candy,Gummi/Gummy Candy

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Fear Factor Gross-Out Gummy

Yesterday, Victoria reviewed Fear Factor Gross-Out Gummi Pizza and today I’m reviewing the Pig-Out Platter. Oddly enough, we both independently chose to buy and review Fear Factor candy this week. What are the chances?

I found the Gross-Out Gummy Pig-Out Platter on the close-out rack at my local candy shop. It was normally $2.99 but I got it for 75% off. If it weren’t on clearance, I wouldn’t have bought something that was described as having a “Super Surprise Bacon and other Amazing Flavors.” This squishy gummi “treat” was a true FEAR FACTOR experience.

I opened the bright yellow and black packaging and popped out the plastic-sealed, dinner-platter-shaped gummy. It actually smelled like ham or gross, sugary bacon. Not like a nice maple bacon scent, but like real ham with a sickening sweet twist. It looked like a plate holding a big pig head, and six or so other indefinable brown and pink blobs. If I had to guess what these other things are, I will just say “innards” so as not to fully gross you out.

I took a large bite (it was too big to stuff the whole thing in my mouth and get it over with). It had the texture of the marshmallow gummy treats but then an awful smoked bacon flavor sprang into my mouth. My stomach flipped and I gagged a little while I tried to quickly swallow. My first thought was that I can see why Fear Factor brand candies belong in the Top 10 Grossest Candies. The second bite was worse because I knew that it would taste the same. I finished as fast as my stomach and gag reflex would let me. I beat the challenge.

I have no idea what the other “amazing” flavors were, but what did amaze me is that this candy is still on the market (though it was in the clearance rack). Nasty, nasty, nasty. It’s a perfect gift for your younger cousins, nieces, and nephews so they can dare each other to eat it. It’s not for squeamish adults (unless they have a good sense of humor and a competitive nature). I still can’t get that awful flavor out of my mouth.

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