I just switched the site’s RSS feeds over to FeedBurner, so if you have any problems with it, let me know. Of course, if you are reading this site via RSS and are having a problem, you won’t be able to read this. Catch-22. (If you don’t know what RSS is, you can ignore this entire post)
Also, if anyone is reading via a web-based RSS reader and you aren’t seeing the images, let me know and I will add your reader to my “ok” list. I had to put some measures in place to prevent people from hotlinking our images, but I can set the server to allow your online feedreader to show the images. (Again, if you don’t know what any of this means, ignore it).
Switched over, no problems! (Bloglines)
What happened to all your ads on the left side?
August 26th, 2006 at 12:27 am