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Poll: Do you smuggle candy into movies?

Categories: Candy

Movie Candy

My wife and I went to the movie theatre on Friday night – something we don’t get to do much since we have a five-year old daughter. Before the show, we were at a store and they had Red Vines on clearance for $1 so I picked up a pack for the movie. As I was struggling to hide that pack of Red Vines in my shorts’ pocket to sneak it into the theatre (are those Red Vines in your pocket or are you happy to see me?), I wondered how many people actually sneak candy into theatres and why?

So, I created a poll to see if I can get some answers to this burning question. Vote in the poll in the upper right of the site and we’ll tally the votes in a week and see what we find out.

Leave a comment on this post too if you want to give us more info. If you do smuggle candy in, why? For me it’s the high prices at the theatre, but I could see doing it because you have a favorite movie candy that your theatre doesn’t sell too.

Speaking of that, what is your favorite movie candy? If I’m getting popcorn, I MUST have chocolate with it. Rasinets are always good, as are M&Ms, but malted milk balls are good too. If I’m not getting popcorn, it could be anything really, depending on my mood. Maybe Red Vines, Skittles, or Junior Mints.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, we saw The Descent. Not a ground-breaking movie, but not bad. Plenty of “surprise” moments that you knew were coming. It’s essentially the same movie as last year’s The Cave.

candy, sweets, movie, movies, poll, polls

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17 Responses to “Poll: Do you smuggle candy into movies?”

  1. 1
    Dani says:

    Sad to say, we do smuggle candy into the movie theater. There is no other excuse than the high prices. I don’t feel so guilty about bringing candy into the actual theater, but I feel bad when we bring stuff to the drive-in. There are so few drive-ins lefte in the country and our local drive-in has a great ticket price ($8 per carload), so we bring candy but buy hot food at the concession stand.

  2. 2
    Rob says:

    Yep, I’m guilty as charged. I don’t feel bad though as the prices are crazy and we have an 8 year old. The only things I but are popcorn (and I hate what passes for melted butter these days) and soda – and I only buy those when its a special movie – IE – IMAX 3d or something.


  3. 3
    Rhea says:

    Raisinets are my favorite movie candy. I actually bring meals to the theater because I try to limit how much sugar I eat. I just try to bring a meal that is not crunchy (noisy).

  4. 4
    Mike says:

    I have smuggled candy into the movies many times in the past but not too much recently since I’ve been hooked on the nachos at our local theater. Whenever I do smuggle, I try to get my wife to agree to put the candy in her purse. We are usually smuggling items that they don’t sell at the theater though, because my wife likes to chew gum at the movies, and we’ve both got a thing for British candy (the most popular movie candy over there is Minstrels, and they are pretty good).

  5. 5
    marilyn says:

    I don’t usually go to the theatre for the movie at all, but for the popcorn. That enticing aroma has sucked me in to many a matinee. The malted milk balls would be smuggled in, though!

  6. 6
    Danette says:

    I do take my own candy. But I been getting hooked to the Pretzel Bites, which are expensive but it’s worth it and there is sizeable amount for more than one person per order…MMM

  7. 7
    Jodi says:

    I was too broke once to buy the theatre food once and I tried to bring in skittles i think it was once and I was so paranoid I only ate like one. I thought I should of opened the wrapper first I guess. Usually I go right after a big meal and it’s distracting anyway. If I really want to go to a movie then I want to watch the movie not just the ambience. You can almost get a dvd for one movie ticket price.

  8. 8
    Sunny says:

    i sneak in everything from burgers to candy – theatre prices are INSANE and i liked the descent. check out the story on wiki for the full ending: i hate american ‘changes’ :P

    RESPONSE: Full ending on what wiki?

  9. 9
    Victoria says:

    I bring Junior Mints and bottled water. I once saw a woman open a giant purse in the theatre–she had an entire bag of microwave popcorn and a 20oz Coke. I’ve seen a couple people bring in bags from McDonald’s, but most of my friends just bring their own candy. Interestingly, I saw the McDonald’s bags pass right by the ticket takers, and no one said anything. So, maybe all this sneaking is pointless? Are there any theatre workers out there who’d like to comment?

  10. 10
    Molly says:

    My friends and I smuggle candy into the theatre all of the time. It’s too expensive NOT to.

  11. 11
    Will says:


  12. 12
    Sharon says:

    My husband and I do this all the time.Go to wal-Mart buy candy for .99 or buy it at the movies and pay 2.00.It would be crazy not to.

  13. 13
    A says:

    I don\’t think movie theaters care if you bring your own food.

    RESPONSE: They do here in NC :)

  14. 14
    mkjhr says:

    i dont i hate people how do there so rude

  15. 15
    core says:

    I once snuck a white castle crave case into the theater!

  16. 16
    ClassyButCheap says:

    At times when finances have been tough I’ve snuck in small baggies of popcorn. You can also get the big boxes of ‘movie’ candy for $1 at Walgreen’s. It’s just not always affordable for families to buy movie tickets and refreshments.

  17. 17
    Jennifer says:

    I’ll bring food with me when I go to a theater that is run by a big business, but there is an independent theater near my house that a few of my friends work at and I always buy my food there because it’s all that keeps them running.

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