Honestly, I’m not positive this really counts as candy, but it’s close and it’s weird. Gorilla no Hana Kuso (Gorilla Boogers) are evidently sweetened, shriveled, black beans that look a whole lot like raisins. They have been popular in Japan for a while, especially near zoos, and they have just recently made their way to the U.S. – they have been spotted in Manhattan recently.

If the fact that they are called “Gorilla Boogers” isn’t enough to dissuade you from eating them, the fact that they are sweetened black beans should. Yuck (though I have read that they are actually quite good). Unfortunately (???), I couldn’t find any online retailer that sells them.
- Gorilla Boogers website
- Flickr photos of Gorilla Boogers
- beigeboy post about Gorilla Boogers
- Old news article about Gorilla Boogers
[...] They have been popular in Japan for a while, especially near zoos, and they have just recently made their way to the U.S. – they have been spotted in Manhattan recently. [link] [...]
January 18th, 2007 at 3:50 pmPuedes encontrar distintos dibujos en variados y llamativos colores según los gustos. Los con hebillas anaranjadas, amarillas, marrones y de otros colores, que combinan perfectamente con correas que presentan distintos dibujos de aviones, flores y otros motivos.
October 1st, 2009 at 8:29 pm