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Caitlin, our new licorice reviewer

Categories: Candy,Candy Addict Site News,Licorice Candy

black licorice

Those of you who have been with us for a while know that we don’t like black licorice. All of us – me, David, and Victoria, all say we don’t like black licorice. Many people do, however, like black licorice and we really are doing a disservice to those people by not reviewing it. Enter Caitlin, our newest writer/reviewer. She loves black licorice, so she will be handling all (black) licorice reviews from now on. From Caitlin:

I’m Caitlin, the newly appointed licorice reviewer. My candy tastes aren’t limited to licorice, but apparently I’m one of the few folks who truly enjoys that delicious flavor. I’ve loved the stuff for those of my 25 years that I can remember, and spend my time searching New York City for good candy stores to supply my habit. I moved to the big city right after I graduated from a small school in Virginia with a degree in historic preservation. Right now I work corrupting young children to the world of candy addiction… ok, I actually work as a nanny to two very cute little boys who aren’t allowed to have anything other than dark chocolate. The horrors!

She’s been following, and commenting on the site for a while and now she is a part of it. Leave a comment and say hi to her and welcome her to the Candy Addict family! Look for her first article soon!

candy, sweets, writer, writers, review, reviews, reviewer, licorice, black licorice

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16 Responses to “Caitlin, our new licorice reviewer”

  1. 1
    marilyn says:

    Hi Caitlin,
    Licorice brings back all kinds of memories for me. It’s been a lucky licorice life. My husband introduced me to Panda-good guy he is. It’s natural, so maybe it wouldn’t be contraband for your two little boys. I’m hooked on Candy Addict and look forward to your reviews!

  2. 2
    Cat says:

    I’d recommend for Licorice. It’s actually in my city of Lincoln, NE, but ships all over. And man, do they have a lot of Licorice.

  3. 3
    fredini says:

    What about Coal Candy? My favorite!

  4. 4
    Victor says:

    Do you like licorice flavored liquors? Could be a whole new experience.

  5. 5
    Caitlin says:

    Hi all! Thanks so much for the warm welcome! I’m really looking forward to trying out all sorts of new licorice products. Being the candy addict I am, I can’t say I’ll be giving up my other favorites (I’m a big gummi fan), but I will certainly be expanding the range of products I try. It should be fun!

  6. 6
    cybele says:

    Finally! Some licorice-love representin’! (But don’t feel pigeon-holed to just licorice.) Welcome to the candy-blogging world!

  7. 7 says:

    I love black licorice. It is great with lemon flavor.

  8. 8
    Sera says:

    Welcome Caitlin! I’m excited to see you’ve joined. I can’t say I ‘m a fan of black licorice (I do like red) but I also haven’t tried it in years either. I’m eager to see what you recommend so I can start my taste buds on the right track! :)

  9. 9
    Mike says:

    I like black licorice too! I remember when I was a kid I liked it too. I would take it up to the register in candy stores and the person behind the counter would say something like “Have you had black licorice before?” or “Do you really like black licorice?”. I can’t remember the last time that I met someone else who likes black licorice and is under the age of 50. I look forward to black licorice reviews.

    (Kookabura is good, if you don’t mind it getting stuck in your teeth.)

    RESPONSE: It’s good to hear our licorice reviews won’t fall on deaf ears :)

  10. 10
    Rob says:

    welcome caitlin! My sister went to University of Mary Washington, which is where I am assuming you went because of the historic preservation degree. Great school :)

  11. 11
    Ron says:

    I have a boss who loves blk licorice and i want to get him some really great quality stuff with good packaging. a holiday gift. where in the city should i look?


  12. 12
    julia says:

    About five years ago I was no longer able to purchase a licorice chocolate m and m type candy. I think it was imported from Denmark. Lakits was in a small package and then later sold by bulk. Not sure though. There is one being produced in the USA, by the company that makes all of those different flavored jelly beans. The chocolate outside covering is not as good. In the ’80s a chocolate company in San Francisco, made a delicious assortment of all chocolate licorice candies. It was in a domino designed candy box. Sure wish I could find either one of these again. Am enjoying the licorice blogs.

  13. 13
    AntFan says:

    Caitlin, you need to seak out Traditional Dutch Double Salt Licorice. It is available at most World Market stores (AKA Cost Plus World Market… for about $4.99 a tub). It is actually SODIUM FREE! I think they use Amonium Chloride for the salty flavor.

  14. 14
    kelly says:

    Do try the dutch black cat licorice “katjsdroppe” or something like it. It combines the best attributes of real hardcore licorice flavor, with a whimsical shape and a texture that gets “gummi-er” as it softens in your mouth.

    Caution – addictive to real fans………

  15. 15
    PomonaBill220 says:

    I LOVE good licorice!!!! I am currently munching on a 4 lb. tub of Smart and Final black licorice (not the best, but close). The brand I love is Callard and Bowsers. I don’t know if they still make it though. Has anyone tried this brand, and are there other brands that are as good or better??? I am in the U.S., California.

  16. 16
    Stephanie says:


    To understand the true black licorice lover you must understand it is not new concept. It’s a candy loved by old souls, those on the east coast, and internationally..
    most west coasters don’t get it.

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