We mentioned PEZheads – The Movie (a PEZ documentary movie) previously, and now they’ve opened up pre-orders for the DVD, set to ship in September.
PEZheads – The Movie is a documentary about PEZ and PEZ Collectors. It explores the phenomenon of PEZ collecting through interviews with a variety of collectors and vendors, as well as visits to conventions, the PEZ factory, flea markets, and anywhere else we can find PEZ.
This documentary highlights the fun and quirky aspects of the hobby, as well as the community and the friendships that develop around it. It explores the PEZ phenomonon from the viewpoint of non-collectors and collectors alike, as well as collectors’ families and friends.
This movie is for the PEZhead in all of us. So whether you’ve never purchased a PEZ dispenser in your life, or your house is full of PEZ, you will be fascinated by the people and places you’ll encounter in this documentary.
To be honest though, I am more excited about their new PEZ stem t-shirt (seen above). Wear it and your head becomes the head on a PEZ dispenser (from the front and back). Pure genius! I’d love to see a picture of someone wearing it. They also have two other unique PEZ t-shirts that are both on sale – one is $10 and one is $12. They are nicely done too, but I think I’d spend a few bucks more and get the PEZ stem shirt, personally.
=( im soooooo sad youre sold out. this is pretty much the coolest shirt of all-time.
December 15th, 2008 at 4:54 pm