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I posted a link a while back to a scanned 1949 candy salesman book that is just incredible to look through. While browsing the pages I noticed the above ad for Whiz “The best nickel candy there iz-z” which fits nicely into our growing collection of oddly-named candy.
Check out this awesome “commercial” for Whiz from 1938 that advertises a “Party and Magic Stunts” book you can get for just two Whiz wrappers and 6 cents in coins or stamps! It’s awesome in its classic black-and-white cheesiness. Take a look at the candy too – it looks like a chocolate hamburger patty. I guess they changed the shape and packaging by 1949.
Maybe back in the 30′s and 40′s Whiz wasn’t another word for liquid human waste, but nowadays a candy named Whiz definitely wouldn’t fly. Of course, I wouldn’t think Candy Scabs, White Chocolate Maggots, or Dr. Windbreakers Candy (chew one and do one) would sell either, so who knows?
This kinda reminds me of these bizarre candies that I used to see called Choward’s Violet Mints. They were not mint flavored; they tasted like flowers or something. Really gross.
July 24th, 2006 at 8:49 amEverything I’ve read about the Whiz bar ssays that stopped being made in the ’50s, but I swear I had one in the ’70s. My father always quoted the ad line, and one day we were in a Walgreens before a movie and we saw the candy bar. He bought one for me. My recollection was that taste-wise, it was nothing special. I know it didn’t taste 20 years old! Does anyone know when they stopped producing Whiz bars?
October 16th, 2006 at 2:43 pmHaven\’t seen nor tasted them since the 40s or early 50s. As I remember they were really good.
December 21st, 2006 at 11:16 pmI work at the McLean County Museum of History in Bloomington, IL, where Whiz was produced. I know there are wrappers with zip codes which put them after 1962, but I don’t think they lasted long after that. They were no longer popular by then. Beich’s big seller by then was Banana Bike caramels and Golden Crumbles. They still operate here as Nestle/Beich. Still making banana taffies.
June 26th, 2007 at 11:49 amWhen I was a kid back in the 40s & 50s, the Whiz bar for me was the best candy bar there Iz (waz). Now all they have is either the cubed marshmallow covered chocolates, which mostly are stale wherever you buy them, or the Charlestown Chews which is “faux” marshmallow covered with a thin layer of chocolate. The “Whiz” also had peanuts on top. Egads, bring them back, please. I’ll buy all of them.
June 26th, 2008 at 2:24 pmI loved the Whiz candy bars! I have been trying to make the Whiz candy bar here at home. I can’t find a recipe that helps me with the marshmallow part. The texture just won’t come out right. Plus it sticks to everything I try to shape it in. It’s a shame that some of the really good candy bars are no longer with us. Anyone remember the Tango bar? Almost like the Whiz, but with a little layer of caramel in it.
July 16th, 2008 at 7:11 pmMy favorite bar as a kid (born in 1942) was the Whiz. It disappeared for many years. While traveling in Southern CA in the early 90′s, I found them on sale in a Circle K. So excited I bought all they had. Tasted just like I remembered, but haven’t seen them since.
The marshmallow does stick, but they used a starch mold release. Probably works like rubbing a potato on the surface of glass or wood when applying gold foil. Will not adhere where the starch is layered. Food grad silicon may also work.
August 18th, 2008 at 5:46 pmMy grandmother just told me a story today that back in the late 40s/early 50s, she went on a radio quiz show and won a year’s supply of Whiz Candy bars. She said that every month she’d get a big box delivered and my uncle would yell from the front porch “The Whiz Bars are here!” and the neighborhood kids would come running!
I just had to look this up to see what she was talking about and I’m glad I found the site – I’ve passed it on to her.
September 14th, 2008 at 11:02 pmI’m so glad to stumble onto this site.
September 15th, 2008 at 11:25 pmIn the 60s I used to purchase the Whiz bar at the movies and in the PX in Germany.
I’ve never found it again or anyone familiar with it.
The best ever. I wish they’d bring it back.
Katie O.
September 20th, 2008 at 10:00 amThe Tango Bar was my parents favorite. I’ve been trying to find info about it for years.
I have also been trying to find information on my Mom’s favorite candy bar The Tango Bar.
January 29th, 2009 at 10:41 amI am being told that elderberries have 3 times the VIT C as oranges. Really???
October 12th, 2009 at 2:41 amMy mother said that the Tango was her favorite candy bar. It came in a blue and silver or white foil wrapper. It cost a dime, which was a lot for candy then. As she remembers, it had a round white chocolate base with marshmallow on top covered in chocolate.
January 23rd, 2010 at 11:32 amThe Whiz Candy Bar was the best candy bar they ever made in the USA. They need to start makeing them again. Evey time we went to a gas station when I was a kid I went to the candy bar machine and bought eveyone they had. Me love Whiz bars. In 1957 I was 10 years old. They are kinda like a shmore with peanuts, but the chocolate was better.
Thanks Slick
July 21st, 2010 at 10:33 pmHave a great day
I used to love the Whiz Bar! I remember my dad bringing home to me by the case full! That was in the late 60′s / early 70′s. What an awesome candy bar. Wish I could still find them.
January 7th, 2011 at 10:39 pmI also was a big fan of the whiz bar as a kid and the last time I remember having one was in the very late 1960′s. I was especially happy when they also offered it in dark chocolate. mmm-mmm . They were so good. I wish they would bring it back. I know it would be a big hit. thanks, Bonnie.
June 12th, 2011 at 7:04 pmThe Tango was my favorite candy bar as a kid in the late 40′s and early 50′s. I still think about it and remember how good it tasted.. My other favorite treat during that time was Kay-O, a milky chocolate cold drink.
September 5th, 2011 at 2:02 pmSo is the Whiz the closest thing to the Tango Bar? Trying to find one for my mom.
October 8th, 2011 at 6:34 pmMy Mother’s Cousin Jerry, who is 97 years old, told me earlier today that his Grandpa (who died in 1927) would always give him a Tango Bar whenever he visited. He remembered that it was chocolate with marshmallow & nuts. Does anything like it still exist?
October 9th, 2011 at 7:39 pmMy great-grandfather created the Whiz bar when he worked for Beich Candy Company (for 28 years). My father just ran across the original recipe in an old notebook. The problem is the recipe makes a 1900 lb. batch of candy! We did find the original test recipe in a smaller quantity which we will be trying out at home.
November 30th, 2011 at 1:07 ambla bla
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January 26th, 2012 at 2:01 amThings are going really well right now, and life is, as I mentioned previously, 99.99% perfect.
Whatever the cause, my depression has been pretty much on hiatus for many weeks now, and the past two or three weeks have been especially good. I’ve been able to motivate myself to do some things I would previously have put off or avoided – trivial stuff, mostly, which made it easy to delay.
January 26th, 2012 at 2:03 am