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Review: Golia Bianca – mint and licorice candy

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Foreign (non-US) Candy,Hard Candy,Licorice Candy,Mint Candy

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Golia Bianca

Here’s another candy brought back from Europe by a coworker – this time it’s Golia Bianca, also made by the Perfetti Van Melle company. The Golia Bianca page says it’s “a deliciously fresh, Golia flavoured mint candy. Golia Bianca gives you a brisk sensation of well-being, and a cool, fragrant breath.”

The candy looks exactly like Mentos, which shouldn’t be all that much of a surprise as Perfetti also makes them. These, however, are far from the freshmaker Americans know and love.

The slogan for these candy is “Filled with freshness, a friend of nature” and feature a cute polar bear on the packaging. Well, they didn’t exactly fill me with freshness. It was more along the lines of “this is horrible” and “it’s burning my nostrils”. Why exactly? The flavor is the strongest mint and black licorice taste I’ve ever eaten. It reminds me more of medicine than anything I’d associate with candy. I can eat Altoids with no problem, but this was a bit much.

On the plus side, it cleared my nasal passages right up.

candy, sweets, mint, licorice, Italy, italian, liquorice, mints, altoids, minty, mentos

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10 Responses to “Review: Golia Bianca – mint and licorice candy”

  1. 1
    antonia says:

    I was wondering where online can i purchase the golia italian mint

  2. 2
    JOE COZZI says:


  3. 3
    Vera Vidafar says:

    i used to get it from Au Marche in the us but they don’t have it anymore am looking all over the web but so far no luck, happy hunting Vera
    ps. i love the black chewy one.

  4. 4
    mike vidafar says:

    dont know much about the candy, but im a little shocked that there is someone else in the world with my last name.

    Vera are you persian as well? Possibly a long lost cousin?

  5. 5
    alison says:

    for anyone that wants to find these, you can look in the line of stores, “little italy”. there is one in wallingford, CT.


  6. 6
    Ippolita Bifero says:

    I would like to know where I can purchase Golia Bianca candy.
    Thank you

  7. 7
    Nell says:

    You can buy Golia candy at Bay Cities Delicatessen on Lincoln Boulevard and Broadway in Santa Monica, CA.

  8. 8
    Dottie says:

    Where can I find Golia Gommose Morbide Alla Liquirizia? It’s a little black circle of liquorish wrapped in white paper with Golia printed in the middle. We didn’t bring enough of it back with us on our last trip to Italy.
    Thank youl

  9. 9
    Matteo of Italy says:

    Well they are not so strong… did you ever try the regular fisherman’s friends??? Or even halls mentoliptus or again the Vicks??? Actually golia (the regular liquirice candies) and golia bianca are my favorite candies and honestly I think is really to much to compare them to a medicine… they are balsamic candies we all count on them to be STRONG.

  10. 10
    dustin says:

    Noticed everyone was looking for Perfetti Golia… we have them in our online store at!

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