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Candy Review: Airheads Xtremes Sweetly Sour Belts

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Airheads Xtremes Sweetly Sour Belts

I’ve gotten a little tired of candy companies fiddling with their basic products and calling them by a hybrid name, so I let a pack of Airheads Xtremes Sweetly Sour Belts rest on my kitchen counter for two weeks. It’s not that I don’t love trying new candy—I definitely do—but sometimes I get overwhelmed by all the choices under one label, like Airheads. I expected the Xtremes to taste like most other sour belts out there, but they weren’t at all what I expected.

I paid sixty-nine cents for eight belts in a 2-ounce package from a convenience store. Each belt had a red, yellow, green, orange, and blue stripe, and they were covered in big pieces of sugar. I thought they’d be similar in consistency to regular Airheads—bendy but thick—but the Xtremes are extremely thin and easily rolled, folded, and twisted. Aside from being tasty and pliable, there isn’t much similar between Airheads and their Xtreme cousins.

The ingredients list apple juice from concentrate, and I could smell and taste apple. I’m not sure what the “rainbow berry” flavors actually are, and even after painstakingly pulling a thin line of each color from the belt to taste individually, I couldn’t tell much difference.

By the time I got around to eating the belts, I was in the mood to be soured into a nice pucker, but the Xtremes aren’t very sour at all. The package isn’t kidding when it says “sweetly sour,” although I might describe them as mild and pleasant. Definitely not Xtreme anything. At first I was disappointed, but after the last belt, I shook the package to make sure I hadn’t missed another one.

The Xtremes were the nicest surprise from a snack I’ve had in a long time, because they were totally different from what I expected, mostly in good ways. I don’t want to say Xtremes are light snacks, because they’re not—they pack 200 calories and 32g sugar into 2 ounces of candy—but they tasted light. I probably won’t buy these again because there are so many different candy options on the market that I’m still waiting to try, but in a smaller world, I’d definitely invest in another pack of Xtremes.

I found a lot of information about Xtremes, and the most popular variety of the candy seems to be single-flavor rolls. I also found several places to buy Sour Belts, but the Rainbow Berry kind is a little trickier to find. I recommend a trip to the hallowed halls of your favorite convenience store to pick out something from the Airheads Xtremes line. Hopefully all the flavors are as good as Rainbow Berry, and maybe a few of them taste extreme.

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9 Responses to “Candy Review: Airheads Xtremes Sweetly Sour Belts”

  1. 1
    Morgan says:

    I bought this candy with my friend when we were exploring my Uncle’s neighborhood.
    I thought that they were just the ordinary belts of candy; not to easy to bite off, sour, and not as fruity as the Airheads Sweetly Sour Belts.
    I personally like the regular belts, but I wouldn’t suggest not to buy these and try them. Especially with the coupon that you posted.


  2. 2
    Lily says:

    ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!! My favorite candy in the word and I don’t even like sour. I would recommend them to anyone!

  3. 3
    David says:

    I have became addicted to anything Airheads XTreme. I have since found just strawberry sour belts, variety packs with 3 rolls in them of Blue Raspberry, Strawberry, and Watermelon and this variety pack is the bomb digity shizzle nizzle!!!

  4. 4
    Adrian says:

    these are lovely.

    cant get enough!!



  5. 5
    vaishnav sivakumar says:

    i want the bazooka gum and the airhead lollipop and ingredients for sour gum

  6. 6
    LoveyDovey says:

    There amazing!! mmmmmm!!! They are sweet and colorful and full of flavor in every bite except they are a little hard to bite! They are even better when they are warm!

  7. 7
    Andrew says:

    I found the Rainbow Berry at Saleston At The Side, OH Drug Mart. I also liked the lime flavored Skittles and the sour strawberry flavored skittles. The Pillowville Hills, OH Walgreens sells these, too. The Zero Mart superstores in Indiana are amazing! I live in Saleston, OH. I used to have a Zero Mart in Saleston Hills, OH in the 1940s & 1950s, but in 1960, Sunmart bought them out.

  8. 8
    Temperance says:

    I’ve just discovered a new Airheads product while at Stop & Shop: Airheads Pops. That’s right, lollipops. They come in the same flavors as the classic package of Airheads, minus White Mystery, unforntunately. So that means Strawberry, Grape, Watermelon, Blue Raspberry, Cherry, and Apple. They are spherical in shape (balls, not oval/oblong) and roughly the size of a Dum-Dum pop- these are small pops, good size for kids-maybe as a Halloween bowl candy? The sticks are made of plastic- no drooly, wet, dissolving sticks and paper bits in your mouth. I’ve only tried the grape so far- tasty and similar to the Airhead original. Although there two rather large bubbles in my pop. Not sure if it was the one pop, as I’ve only had one.

  9. 9
    elizabeth says:


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