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Free Airheads Candy Coupon

Categories: Candy,Soft Candy


OK, technically, it’s $0.99 off the purchase of any Airheads product, but you can get Airheads for less than a buck, so that makes it free, right? Evidently Airheads is doing some sort of tie-in with the new Disney/Pixar movie Cars and that’s why you get the coupon. Print it out and go get some free Airheads!

UPDATE: It looks like they removed it from their site. :(

candy, sweets, airheads, coupon, coupons, free, freebie, freebies, taffy

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4 Responses to “Free Airheads Candy Coupon”

  1. 1
    Timmy Cloud says:

    I did a vote at my mom’s work and everyone loves Airheads.

    Thanks Timmy

  2. 2
    Christie says:

    I have tried to get to the coupon for air heads as on your comment, but cannot find it, do you have any suggestions. Thank you

    RESPONSE: Looks like they removed it from the site. :(

  3. 3
    jessie says:

    I did a report on airheads and gave everyone some. They loved them! My whole class is addicted to airheads!

  4. 4
    Rubi Herrera says:

    Hello fellow airhead addicts…………..I am a 26 year old mother of two kids and I must admit that I love airheads! My kids think that I’m cool because I eat them just as much as they do. We are a AIRHEAD ADDICT family!!!

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