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Free Reese’s T-Shirt

Categories: Candy,Candy Clothing,Chocolate Candy

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Free Reese's Tshirt

I just found out about this “sweepstakes” from Hershey’s where they are giving away 100,000 Tshirts. It’s labelled as a sweepstakes, but there is no drawing involved. The first 100,000 get the shirts. I just stumbled on this and haven’t seen it anywhere else (web, TV, etc.). I googled it and found it mentioned on only two places so I bet they haven’t had 100,00 entries yet.

You don’t even have to buy the Reese’s – if you look at the official rules, you can just send in a piece of paper as your “entry” and it will get you one. I sent mine in yesterday. I figure it’s worth a few minutes and a 39-cent stamp to get a Tshirt. I’ll let you know when/if I get one. The “sweepstakes” ends July 7. No guarantees you will get one, but if I were a betting man I would bet you will get one given that this hasn’t been heavily publicized.

candy, sweets, reese, reeses, hershey, hersheys, t-shirt, tshirt, tshirts, free, freebie, freebies, shirt, shirts, reeses

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3 Responses to “Free Reese’s T-Shirt”

  1. 1
    Marek says:

    Yeah, but the first rule they set that you have to collect two wrappers from their products so they assume you send them along with the entry paper.

    RESPONSE: Not true. Read the Official Rules. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY.

  2. 2
    Hey, It’s Free! » Free Reese’s T-Shirt says:

    [...] Brian over at Candy Addict sent in this pretty cool freebie for a free Reese’s T-shirt! [...]

  3. 3
    jane farris says:

    i love reese[s

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