LesserEvil is a popcorn snack, and I’ll admit that it barely qualifies as candy, but some of the flavors are chocolatey, so that’s good enough for me (well, that and the fact that they sent some for me to review). LesserEvil is flavored popcorn that comes in a variety of flavors: KettleCorn, SinNamon, PeanutButter & Choco, Black & White, Corny-Q, and MaplePecan. They come in small bags or larger boxes – I received four of the larger 3.65 oz boxes in their nifty “Woody” 4-pack (seen above).
From their FAQ:
Q: Why are LesserEvil snacks less evil?
A: Let’s start with air-popped, gourmet popcorn, which by nature is whole grain. Our snacks are cooked in a huge copper kettle with simple, natural ingredients like evaporated cane juice, a touch of clarified butter, ground cinnamon, natural peanut butter, chocolate liquor, etc. Then there are the “no’s”: no trans-fatty acids, no preservatives, no high fructose corn syrup and no artificial colors or flavors. Finally we keep our snacks low fat and compared to lots of other snacks out there, our calorie count is pretty reasonable (about 120 per serving).
All of the LesserEvil popcorn flavors I tried are coated in a sugary glaze which may or may not be flavored depending on which flavor you are eating. For reference, it’s very similar to Cracker Jack or Screaming Yellow Zonkers. My review pack contained four of their flavors, so I didn’t get to try Corny-Q or MaplePecan (both sound really good). Here is what I thought of the flavors I did try:
- PeanutButter & Choco: The peanut butter ones had more of a peanut taste than a peanut butter taste to me and I have never been a huge fan of just peanuts, though I love peanut butter. The chocolate taste on the chocolate ones is faint and not too sweet, but didn’t really grab me – the chocolate tastes fake and/or sub-standard. My wife really liked this flavor, but I didn’t care for it – too peanutty for me overall.
- KettleCorn: Nicely sweet, but not too sweet. Reminds me of Screaming Yellow Zonkers. It’s essentially sugar-glazed popcorn. It’s good, but doesn’t knock my socks off.
- Black & White: I think this uses the same chocolate as the PB&C for the “Black” and the “White” is the same white corn used in the Kettle Corn. I just don’t care for this chocolate taste much so this wasn’t bad, but not great.
- SinNammon: WOW! It tastes like a cinnamon roll. What an incredible taste. Think of the cinnamony/sugary topping on and in a cinnamon roll then think of that mixed with popcorn. My wife says it tastes like cinnamon toast. The flavor ratios are perfect. I wish I had an entire 4-pack of just SinNamon. (Which you can order when you order a custom 4-pack)

So, most of LesserEvil’s gourmet popcorn is good, but not great. SinNamon, however, is the exception and is fan-freakin-tastic. You can buy LesserEvil at their online store or on Amazon.com
- LesserEvil website
- LesserEvil store
- LesserEvil at Amazon.com