Today, April 2, 2006, is the 6-month anniversary of Candy Addict. 6 long months ago I made my first post entitled “Candy crooks nab over $69,000 worth of candy and gum“. I didn’t really know what I was doing back then and didn’t know what direction I wanted to take with the site – it really shows in those first posts. Hopefully the writing is better now and the site has a better focus.
WARNING…semi-boring stats and figures coming….
So, looking back, what are some highlights/milestones/figures for the site?
According to WordPress at the time I am writing this, “There are currently 302 posts and 667 comments, contained within 26 categories.” I think it’s amazing that 667 times someone has commented on what I have written (I respond to comments within the reader comments so my comments aren’t counted). I have received no hate email, though I have had plenty of comment SPAM (*&^%$# spammers!).
I have switched domain hosts once and redesigned the site once (though I tweak it almost daily and I’m still not happy with it). I have written 36 reviews. I have eaten no candy with bugs in it (that I know of), but I have tried candy that squished like bugs, and I have tried candy that tasted like grass, dirt, earwax, boogers, and vomit.
I’ve posted about candy shaped like a human heart (twice), dentures, cute animals, a human skull, poop, gold rocks, Indiana, dog food, and sushi (among many others).
I have eaten a ton of candy (though probably not much more than I would have without the site). I’ve received LOTS of free candy (a big thanks to all the candy companies!) and because of this I’ve done two candy giveaways.
Ok, I could go on and on, but I won’t. Suffice it to say, I’m having fun and I hope all of you visitors are having fun too. Thanks again to all of the lreaders, the readers who comment, and the readers that have linked to the site!
Stay tuned for more candy….
Congrats to you! I for one have really enjoyed your blog. Here’s to another 6 months- and beyond! =)
April 2nd, 2006 at 8:55 pm–Brian
aw, I havent visited in a bit so I’m a little late, but congratulations!
April 7th, 2006 at 11:01 pm