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Cotton Candy Mike and Ike

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Cotton Candy Mike and Ike
(Photo from The Candy Critic)

We had a forum post recently from someone named jedwards15 asking for help in locating Cotton Candy Mike and Ike:

help…i cant find a candy ANYWHERE!!
I really need your help…and after seeing your site, I feel your the right guy for my question. I NEED to find cotton candy Mike and Ikes. Please tell me you know of this awesome candy, and where I can maybe buy it..??
Thanks soooo much

I’ll have to admit, I had not heard of this candy, so I started doing some research. I couldn’t find any mention of it on the official Mike and Ike website, nor on the manufacturer’s website, so I had to assume they had been discontinued. A Google image search only turned up one picture of them (seen above).

When had they been introduced? A little more searching and I found this article from November of 2001 that mentions the new lemonade and cotton candy flavors.

When had they been discontinued? I couldn’t find any info online so I went straight to the source and sent Just Born (the manufacturer) an email:

I recently had a reader ask where she could buy Cotton Candy Mike and Ike. In looking around your websites I saw no mention of them. I found a press release dated November of 2001 announcing them so I must assume they are no longer being made. Can you tell me when they were discontinued?

The answer came two days later:

Dear Mr. Pipa,

Thank you for your recent e-mail.

Our limited edition MIKE AND IKE® Cotton Candy flavored candies were one of our featured flavors for 2002, along with our Lemonade variety, and we are no longer making them. Your interest in them is indeed appreciated though, and has been shared with our brand development team.

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact us and for your interest in MIKE AND IKE® candies.

Just Born, Inc.
Consumer Relations Department

I poked around on a bunch of candy stores online and I couldn’t find anyone that carried them, though even if they did, they would probably be years old and possibly not-so-tasty.

Thanks Jenn for the question! If any other readers ever have any candy questions, feel free to email me or leave a post in the forums. If I can’t get you the answer, I’ll post your question on the site and maybe one of the candy addicts that read the site will know the answer!

candy, sweets, cotton candy, mike and ike, lemonade, discontinued

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10 Responses to “Cotton Candy Mike and Ike”

  1. 1
    blogintro says:

    This Blog will be Introduced on today!

  2. 2
    cybele says:

    I’ve had pretty good success finding the fringe Mike & Ike flavors at the 99 Cent Only and Dollar Tree stores. Yes, even stuff that’s several years old … they’re still selling the Root Beer Float and Orange & Creme flavors at the one down the street from me.

  3. 3
    Ellee says:

    I have been looking for the Root Beer Float flavor for about 6 months now, with NO success. If anyone would be willing to help me out, I would appreciate it!

  4. 4
    ken says:

    can anyone point me in the direction of the following flavored now and laters: cotton candy, bubble gum, thriller, mystery mix, lemon, lime, and rainbow…. any help will be greatly appreciated… manufacturers address…. anything…. thanks…

  5. 5
    brianne says:

    I would also love to find cotton candy Now and Laters. No one believes me that they actually exist. But seeing your searching for them is comforting, knowing I’m not delusional, they actually do exist. Let me know if you have any luck and I’ll do the same. Thanks.

  6. 6
    Ahmed Nagy says:

    Hello, iam ahmed nagy i live in egypt, actually iam going through a business in the cotton candy field so, i need your help because i wanna know how to make cotton candy with flavors , how i can make the flavors or from where i can get it, also, how to add it on the sugar? and if i can add sort of candy on it?? please reply on my mail and thanks so much for co-operating.

  7. 7
    Heather says:

    I was sad to see the Cotton Candy Mike and Ike’s go. The Lemonade ones were a little tart, but they were still pretty good. They also released a Buttered Popcorn flavor around the same time. They sound gross, but they were actually quite tasty. They were a lot like Jelly Belly Buttered Popcorn jelly beans, which have always been a favorite of mine.

  8. 8
    Toot says:

    Does anyone know where I can find cotton candy now and later?

  9. 9
    Whitney says:

    I’ve also been looking for cotton candy now & laters & have had no luck. I’ve been looking for a few rare flavors listed on the candy’s wikipedia page. Bubble gum, cotton candy, cherry limeade, thriller, rainbow, lemonade, etc. If anyone has ever ran across some of these obscure flavors or know where I could buy them please let me know!

  10. 10
    Bryan says:

    i LOVED the Cotton Candy Mike and Ike’s. They were only sold at one gas station in Vancouver, WA. I would drive 20+ min across town to get them! I was very sad when they stopped making them. I was hoping like the 99c Whopper, this limited time would last close to 20 years, NOPE!

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