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Lifesize PEZ car

Categories: Candy,Candy Gadgets,PEZ Candy

PEZ car

While researching PEZ for my recent post about the new PEZ flavors, I came across this site that has a photo gallery of a car that this guy has attached all kinds of PEZ stuff to – dispensers, wrappers, etc. A few words come to mind, but the main one is WHY? He says,

My vision is to cover a car with Pez. Bumper to Bumper. I will be hot-glueing Pez dispensers on the surface of the car as tightly together as I can.

I think this is my favorite picture – it’s three bad-ass Harley dudes trying to look tough beside a car covered in PEZ crap.

PEZ car webpage
History of the PEZ car
The first PEZ car he made

candy, car, cars, auto, autos, automobile, automobiles, vehicle, vehicles, PEZ, ugly

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