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Friday Fun: Football Flash

Categories: Candy,Candy Games

QB Pass Attack
(QB Pass Attack)
X's and O's Football
(X’s and O’s Football)

In honor of the upcoming Super Bowl, I present to you two football flash games. Neither one of them is really candy-themed, but they are both on the Topps website (sort of). Topps is best known for sports trading cards, but they do make candy like Ring Pops, Push Pops, and of course, Bazooka gum.

The first football game is QB Pass Attack. It’s a simulation of those football passing games you see in the arcade. Try to complete the most passes in the allotted time. X’s and O’s Football is also a passing game – in four one-minute quarters you try and score as many touchdowns as possible.

Have fun and enjoy the game this weekend!

Topps website
QB Pass Attack
X’s and O’s Football

candy, game, games, flash, flashgame, flashgames, webgame, webgames, football, super+bowl, NFL, flash

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