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Sour Spanks are the latest creation from David Klein, the inventor of Jelly Belly Jellybeans. They are chewy/gummi sour balls coated in a super-sour powder. The Spanks are about the diameter of a dime and come in Lemonade, Tangerine, Grape, Cherry, and Green Apple flavors. Imagine an old-time sour balls coated with a super-sour powder and you have Sour Spanks.
The label says “So sour, they spank your mouth”, and they do. Luckily, the spanking lasts less than 10 seconds, so if you can last that long, you’ll be left with what is essentially an old-time chewy sour ball. The sour balls inside aren’t anywhere close to the extreme sour that we have in candies now (and on the outside of the Spanks) though – they’re actually fairly sweet inside. If you can’t handle the sour, you can chew it immediately once it’s in your mouth and that diffuses the sour pretty quickly – that was my four-year-old’s strategy.
Unfortunately, the flavors in the Spanks don’t come close to the flavor that Jelly Bellies pack. The Lemonade flavor has a really nice lemon kick to it – definitely the strongest flavor of the bunch. The Cherry has a good cherry taste to it and was probably the second strongest flavor behind Lemonade. Green Apple is probably my favorite flavor even though I don’t usually like green apple much. The Tangerine really does taste like tangerine and not orange (as weird as that sounds). The Grape reminds me of Grape Kool-Aid though it wasn’t as grapey as I wanted it to be.
As I sit here writing this, I can’t stop myself from eating more and more of these Spanks, so I guess that’s the indication of a good candy. I can’t help but think that these could move from good to great with an extra injection of flavor though. Sour Spanks can be ordered directly from the Nifty Candy website.
Sour Spanks website
My Sour Spanks photo gallery

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