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Review: Sparx (sweetened with Xylitol)

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,New Candy,Sugar-free Candy

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Sparx Berry
Berry Sparx (click to enlarge)

Sparx is a new candy from a company called Xlear (pronounced “Clear” – don’t ask me how/why). What is interesting about it is that it is sweetened with Xylitol. When I first saw this, I figured it was some made-up ingredient like “Scope with T25″ or “Certs with Retsyn”, but in reading about it, Xylitol has been around since the 1950′s, and has been used in products in Europe (and especially Finland) for year, though I had never heard of it before this review.

So, a quick lesson in Xylitol before we get into the review…..”Pure Xylitol is a white crystalline substance that looks and tastes like sugar. It is a naturally occurring 5-carbon sugar alcohol found in many fruits and vegetables and produced in small amounts by the human body. For commercial use, it is manufactured from xylan hemicellulose sources such as Birch trees, cane bagasse and corn cobs/stalks. It is the sweetest of the polyols with the same sweetness as sugar (sucrose) but with 40% fewer calories and none of the negative tooth decay or insulin release effects of sugar.” For lots more information on Xylitol, visit the Xlear webpage on Xylitol.

So, to sum it up, Sparx candy is sweetened with a sweetener that’s actually not bad for you. So, what are they? Sparx are fruit-flavored, bite size candies about the size of a Tart N Tiny (remember those?) and the center is similar to a SweetTart in consistency/texture. They come in three different 30g flavor tubes: Citrus, Berry, and Fruit. The flavors for each are as follows:

  • Citrus: lemon, lime, orange, and tangerine
  • Berry: blueberry, blackberry, raspberry, and strawberry
  • Fruit: apple, banana, grape, and peach

This review only covers Citrus and Berry flavors. One of the interesting things about Xylitol is that it is supposed to produce a “cooling sensation” on the tongue and I could definitely feel this – it’s kind of weird. I think it would be a good feeling in a mint. As for the Sparx, the candy was as sweet tasting as any other candy, and the flavors were pretty tasty. The orange (or was it tangerine) reminded me of an orange Tic-Tac. The berry flavors were nice and strong too and very recognizable.

Overall they were pretty good, but something about them wasn’t quite right and I’m not sure what. I’m guessing it must be the Xylitol, since I don’t think I have ever had it before. They actually made me feel a little light-headed and nauseous. I tried them two different times and got the same efect both times. Maybe Xylitol doesn’t agree with my metabolism?

I did see this warning in one of Xylitol flyers:

Xylitol requires a brief period of tolerance adjustment. It may have a laxative effect when used in large quantities.

That doesn’t give me a warm fuzzy feeling. The first time I tried them I ate quite a few – maybe….30? of them (they’re small) and felt sick, but I figured it was just coincidence. This last time I tried eight – one of each flavor from the two tubes and I started feeling sick again about 15 minutes later. Ugh. Because of this, I can’t recommend them to anyone. This weekend, I’ll get both of my sisters to try them and I’ll give you an update on what they thought and if it made them feel nauseous too. Maybe it’s just me.

UPDATE: I did a little bit of searching and found this article at that says this about Xylitol: ” Side Effects: May cause gastrointestinal upset (nausea, flatulence, diarrhea) in some individuals, depending upon the amount consumed. These side effects usually diminish with continued use.” So, Xylitol must have a profound effect on me (nausea). Your results may vary. (Maybe I won’t give any to my sisters).

UPDATE2:I talked with one of the PR people from Xlear today and he said “I have been working with xylitol for two years, and your report of nausea is the first.” So, it could be that my case is quite rare. More on this once I get some Sparx to my sisters.

Sparx are available online or you can use their Store Locator to find a retailer near you. They are carried mostly in health and vitamin shops. The price is $1.49 per tube.

Xlear website
Sparx webpage
Xylitol at
Xylitol at

candy, sparx, xylitol, sweetener, berry, citrus, dental

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68 Responses to “Review: Sparx (sweetened with Xylitol)”

  1. 1
    cybele says:

    Xylitol has been around for a while, I remember getting a chewing gum called Xylifresh quite often.

    Like sorbitol (another low cal sweetener) you definitely don’t want to overeat as it can have some pretty unpleasant side effects. I don’t mind a funny taste in my chewing gum, but I don’t care much for it in anything else. Then again I’m not chewing that much gum.

    I think that xylitol is another one of those sugars that can’t be used in high-heat cooking so can’t replace regular sugar in most instances. But it’s certainly a better alternative sweetener to aspartame and sucarlose.

  2. 2
    Jacquelyn Kistenberg says:

    I submit this reply as a mother and a sugar addict:-) I have grown up with a sweet tooth but now as a mother I have made every effort to curb my children’s exposure to sugary foods. Xylitol is a life-saver. Finally a product that not only doesn’t contribute to cavities but can actually remineralize the fragile enamel of children’s teeth and create an environment in their mouths that does not allow the natural sugars of every food we eat to attack their teeth.

    As for the previous review that stated xylitol could not be used for cooking,
    (*I* never said that –Brian)
    I have found that I can use the xylitol crystals as a substitute for granulated sugar in every single thing except baking bread; the yeast requires sugar in order for the baking to rise. When used in cooking or baking, it is virtually indistinguishable from regular sugar. I have tried muffins and cookies on everyone who comes to my home and no one can tell the difference when asked after having eaten it.

    This is such an unusual type of sugar product in terms of the scientific studies that have proven it’s effect on dental health, that it should be considered as worthy of a 5-star review despite the original reviewers unfortunate experience with nausea. Every dentist should be informing parents that this is a product that can reduce their child’s tooth decay. It is often not a lack of hygiene but the effects of naturally occuring sugars and a bacteria called streptococcus mutans in the mouth combining to create a hostile environment that brushing/mouthwash/flouride alone or in combination has little effect on. Some people have more of this bacteria present in their mouths than others and are therefore more prone to the damaging effects. Google xylitol studies and read the results. It is worth taking the time to educate ourselves.

    RESPONSE: I’m sure my side effects were not the norm, but there is no way I can give it a good review even though it made me sick. Someone else may try it and have no ill effects and give it a 5-star review. I can’t argue with that, I can only report *my* experiences. Reviews are opinions and personal experiences.

  3. 3
    lawanna says:

    My husband and I have been using the nose spray and he is using the granulated zylitol in his coffee. We are both having stomach problems. I tend to have stomach problems but since using enzyme and some probiotics it had gotten much better. After using the spray he and I have been having stomach problems. Just not feeling well.

  4. 4
    Tom says:

    I have been unsing Xylitol sweetener and gum recently and have been suffering from some semi sever gastrointestinal problems like mild infrequent hershey squirts ;-) , mild pain in center of stomach, occasional mild bloating. It ain’t fun. Coincidence? I think I may stop all Xylitol intake and see what happens, but it’s hard b/c I love my Xylitol gum.

    RESPONSE: WHOA! Too much information!

  5. 5
    Amber says:

    I tried the Sparx, I was a little wary after Brian told me his experience with it. I only tried a few at one time but didn’t feel sick. Go figure! Same genes and everything!

  6. 6
    Laura Brady says:

    You are NOT the only one who has those negative side-effects from the xylitol! I\’ve been thinking maybe I should quit taking it, although my symptoms seem to be dissipating somewhat after about 4 mo. of usage. I just wonder…could something that makes your body react like that, be good for you?!
    Laura Brady

    RESPONSE: Agreed. I can handle gum with Xylitol no problem though :)

  7. 7
    Teri Mills says:

    Yes, I am in the process of doing a paper on Xylitol for a herb meeting Monday evening. I have been researching Xylitol since August. I have had the gum and mints and I did feel some nausea, but it was when I ate or chewed on an empty stomach. My daughter has been using the sugar in her herbal beverage, tastes like coffee, and has informed me that she must be allergic to it. She said she used 3 teaspoons of it in her drink 2 mornings and had headache, nausea, diarhea, felt light headed and will have to do her own research to figure out what is happening. She said she is allergic to it. She has insulin resistence. I understand that Xylitol enters our system differently that with sugar and her side effects are a bit overwhelming. I am willing and able to keep trying it for all its beneficial qualities. I will be baking with it tomorrow.

  8. 8
    Helene says:

    Just heard an anouncement on the radio that Xylitol
    causes Liver damage in dogs and can be lethal.
    It is found in many candies.
    So…if it can kill a dog, it can’t be good for humans either.

  9. 9
    Mona says:

    Dear Reader

    I’ve been quite ill after trying xlitol in tea (had 2 tsp first)… made everything come out.

    Then I thought, can’t be that & about 1 week later, tried it in 1 tsp… done the same thing, but really affected my blood sugar in a bad way… was feeling quite sick.. everything came out (diarrhoea).. & not too good after. Wheazy so to speak… heart beating fast, etc.

    if u put in a search xylitol side effects (I don’t think I’ve spelt it correctly) you’ll find that it can cause diarrhoae… in babies, some developed diabetes type symptoms…

    not good. See where it is made from … looks like tree bark, & corncobs…

    I don’t think good for people with blood sugar probs (even though they recommend it for that). I wish I had done some research before having this… I’m recovering today after affects of it. Mona

  10. 10
    Faith says:

    I found this webpage after doing a search for xylitol side effects after it made me sick this morning. I’m glad to know I’m not the only one. Most other websites said the only side effect was mild diarrhea. I made some blueberry muffins with part xylitol and part applesauce as sweetening for breakfast this morning and had one for breakfast and one for a mid-morning snack. After the second one, I began to have a headache and feel nauseated. There is a bitter taste in my mouth and I have a general feeling of not being well. My children ate a muffin each and half of one each for a mid-morning snack. It seems not to have affected my daughter but my son’s diapers give credence to the well-reported diarrhea side effect. I plan not to use xylitol again. It’s a shame because a three pound bag, which is really not as much as it sounds, was fifteen dollars and I still have all of it except the small amount I put in the muffins. I wish that there was more information about this out there. I researched xylitol before I bought and didn’t hear anything about nausea and headaches until now.

  11. 11
    Sean says:

    I feel sorry for you folk who are having problems. I just found out about xylitol a week ago and I love it. I have been taking in what would be considered excessive amounts and I’m not experiencing any problems.

    I did feel a bit odd for the first few days, but I have had the same feeling before so I knew exactly what it was……. SUGAR WITHDRAWAL!!!!!!! I tried quiting sugar cold turkey before, and I felt the exact same way.

    Xylitol is *NOT* dangerous to humans. In dogs in causes rapid insulin release that leads to hypoglycemia and eventually liver failure. We are not dogs, so stop worrying!!!

  12. 12
    Katherine says:

    I have also had headaches and it’s not withdrawal of sugar as I still eat sugar. I bake with xylitol for my daughter who is sensitive to sugar she has no side effects. Chocolate and onions can be dangerous for dogs too so xylitol isn’t harmful to us just because it’s harmful to dogs.

  13. 13
    Kelly O says:

    Twice I have tried gum with xylitol in it and I have felt nauseous and weak both times. I will never try this stuff again. I will do what I think makes the most sense: eat pure sugar. But, I will not overdo it.

  14. 14
    Rhonda Kellam says:

    My husband and I tried the Spry mints (same company, Xlear). He felt fine after eating a bunch of them but after I ate only a few, I felt the way I feel after eating too much sugar — sort of dizzy and funny and not good! And it gave me a headache. It could have been the “natural flavors” in them that caused the headache; I read that “natural” flavors is a “code term” — might as well say “junk” — that can mean almost anything… it can be one or two things or can be literally a hundred things, including even MSG, etc.

  15. 15
    harriet says:

    Having bloating with gum with xylitol..will drop it..

  16. 16
    Naomi says:

    I definitely experience headaches and other uneasy feelings with xylitol, and it does leave that strange metallic taste in the mouth.

    I’ve been a raw foodist (90-95% raw) for about 4 years. I recently started adding xylitol in certain smoothies and dehydrated treats to experiment with using it to reduce sugar content in these things.

    My personal sugar intake is extremely low, and I consume no white sugar or corn syrup or anything of the kind. Those are foods I consider absolutely off-limits; the kinds of cooked foods I allow in my diet are things like steamed broccoli and miso soup.

    Because my diet is so clean, I never get headaches unless I’m very dehydrated, It doesn’t take much of something weird to make me feel “off”.

    Xylitol doesn’t just make me feel “off”; it gives me a headache within 10 minutes of ingestion of a quantity of more than 1 teaspoon. It also makes the back of my throat sting.

    It’s not surprising to hear about people experiencing bloating with xylitol. It’s a sugar alcohol, after all — something that many intestinal microbes would have a field day with.

    To conclude, I’m dropping xylitol as an ingredient in anything. Tastes weird anyhow — even cooked fooders can sense it.

  17. 17
    Miki says:

    I recently purchased a 1-lb bag of Xylitol. I used it to make a fruit cobbler. The cobbler was excellent–better than my previous cobblers using regular sugar. I had no side effects, however my son had a touch of diareaha. He ate more than I did. ;) I probably would have started out with 1/2 sugar and 1/2 Xylitol had I read this review beforehand.

    My only complaint is the cost of Xylitol. I think it is way too expensive. I recently decided to get away from the Rx route and go the “natural” way. Health-wise I think it is a good idea, but pocket wise, I’m not so sure.

  18. 18
    heid2 says:

    I tried a xylitol gum called spry.
    Ended up with a horrible rash. Anyone else deal with this?
    I looked all over the net and found one place where they said they had a rash after chewing xylitol gum. They stopped chewing it for a few weeks, tried again, and they ended up with a rash again. So I’ve tried the gum a few different times and all those times, rashes!
    Sucks, cause I love the gum. I keep trying to convince myself its not the gum, but what happens to my face convinces me differently.

  19. 19
    KARYN says:

    I have tried Xylitol for about a week now and every day I have the worst diarrhea and a quizzy stomach. Never had this problem with the yellow packets. Makes me think of going back.

  20. 20
    carol says:

    Since taking Xylitol I have been racked with diarrhea, didn’t know what caused it at first. I will never consume anything that contains sylitol again!

  21. 21
    lilaviator says:

    Naomi, my whole mouth stings when I use a toothpaste with xylitol in it….and my lips swell terribly! For weeks I was trying to figure out what I was consuming at each meal that could be doing this…it never struck me, that it could be my toothpaste. I hadn’t noticed the ‘new and improved’ notice on it – the improvement was that they added xylitol! (Toms of maine). Since I brush after every meal, at first it seemed like it must be something I was eating – but as I eliminated one thing after another, I was beyond perplexed…til I noticed the little ad on my tube of toothpaste.

    I also, in the past month, developed hypoglycemia – which is what xlitol does to dogs, killing them. It may be coincidence, but the development of the hypoglycemia coincides with the use of xylitol…

    I’m definitely avoiding it!

  22. 22
    Yvonne says:

    I have been having terrible bloating for the past month or so and was really worried about what might be wrong. Also abdominal pain sometimes. I remembered back that I started chewing the xylitol gum about the time it all started. After reading the other posts I am definitely going to stop it for awhile and see what happens. I also have hep c and it doesn’t sound good for that either.

  23. 23
    Phyllis says:

    My daughter also got a rash from the xylitol gum. It was hard to find this reacton printed anywhere. Too bad, because we started the gum afer seeing info posted at her dentist’s office.

  24. 24
    Dena Hergenrider says:

    Gosh, I just tried this 4 hrs. ago! Was so excited to find it. So far no effects, nothing. I am keeping my fingers crossed!

  25. 25
    Jeanette says:

    I have been doiing extensive research on ‘healthy’ sweateners, and am now looking for recipies(how I found your site). Health effects for your teeth/earachs are achieved at 10 grams spread out over the whole day. The nausea and gastric problems occur at between 40 – 90 grams per day. If you experience side effects, studies show that 100% of participants exibiting these side effects were able to properly metabolize it within three weeks, when maintained in their daily diet at the “threshold levels” (whatever level gave you the problems).

    All health organizations that have reviewed this sweetener have not set any restriction on its daily intake (given the safest possible rating), and have not been concerned enough to issue any studies into further toxicity or side effects.

  26. 26
    Jonn says:

    What I find most interesting is that every person so far, who have posted here, doesn’t know or has not bothered to comment on the bodies ability to gain immunity.

    If tests show that xylitol can really reduce or avoid cavities and help to remineralize teeth, and cut out the risks sugar has proven to give when ingested, then by all means apply known knowledge.

    When you eat beans everyone knows in general that they typically cause flatulence. What you don’t regularly here is that this kind of gas subsides once you begin eating beans on a regular basis as part of your diet. That is, the flatulence stops. Funny, right? Read on.

    Each body type is different; some have stronger stomachs and intestines, some have tolerance levels for hot foods, others do or don’t. But what is scientific fact is that the body will build tolerance. And beans are so good for you: lima, pinto, black, brown. Cooked, side dish, main dish, on nachos, in burritos, at Taco Bell, refried, in a stew. Eat ‘em! You body will thank you for it.

    It is a fact that the quickest way to become immune to snake or spider poison is by ingesting it in small amounts, building in measurement as your body will allow. Science, institution and all hospitals recognize that most cures and antivenoms can be found in the poisons themselves. Some of our greatest medicines that regenerate us come from bacteria or degenerated products, we invent vaccines from fungus no less.

    If you’ve never done yoga and your body is not limber enough to be able to do some of the many contortions that master’s make look easy; you might seriously harm yourself if you try, for the first time, to do a backwards stance with your legs dangling over your chest and your head on the ground. This takes time and gradual stretching exercises. This is the same fact as with building tolerance levels.

    So to those who say they’ve tried xylitol once or twice: this doesn’t suddenly mean that the tests that scientists have used and shown that xylitol is good for longevity in teeth and can seriously aid remineralization and would cut out the other negative risks of something so harmful as sugar (too much sugar can cause diabetes, and sugar is addictive just like coffee), are no longer sufficient or they are suddenly unproven. You can’t make anyone forget, just because you got diarrhea once from taking it once, and you got some other symptoms at the second try, xylitol is better than sugar in its use.

    It’s almost as if you are stating that because you had nausea and some other, very minor symptoms (normal symptoms when the body tries new substances that are healthful and wise to take) when you first took xylitol, that somehow sugar is better and you’re just going to stay with the regular, popular brand the world has been sold. Some other person stated that she should have tried baking the pie she baked with out full xylitol, but rather started out with 1/2 sugar – 1/2 xylitol. Then work your way up.

    I do, however, agree with what one other person stated that the cost of the xylitol can be daunting. Health foods can be that way, the all naturals foods and substances are sometimes costly. But these other foods that cause cancer, disease, decay, degeneration; most costly diseases can be avoided with natural products. And yes, those natural products taste richer, frothier, smellier, or w/e than bleached, processed, pasteurized, homogenized, irradiated, and siphoned foods.

    I haven’t tried xylitol yet, but I’m already aware that my body is likely going to have some side effects. But I’ll get through those quickly. Especially if it’s going to cut down on my dental and potential hospital bills. You may think I’m saying; well xylitol is a panacea. No. I’m making a general statement that anything which has health benefits – you shouldn’t shoot down and not use it just because your body doesn’t have a tolerance for it yet.

    When I get on xylitol I know it’s going to be a good thing for me with the calcium, and fish oils found in tuna and lots of other great tasting fish, hell you might as well stop seeing a dentist so often as long as you stop brushing your teeth with glycerins and gunk that’s not flouride. Eat xylitol; it’s good for you. And I aint even tried it yet.

  27. 27
    Jonn says:

    And for all anyone knows here; those persons who came to blog here, the ones who said they got diarrhea at the first try of xylitol, might be sugar investors who don’t want consumers to buy healthier products.

    Myself, I am not a xylitol champion. As I’ve said, I haven’t tried it yet but I intend to. And I expect my body; like some kind of newborn who spits out the carrots the first time b/c I’ve never chewed food in my life before, or like a person who never liked spinach but starts eating it because they realize the benefits doing so, to have some kind of negative effect from the xylitol. If it does, I’ll be ready with the bathroom two rooms away. I have a strong stomach though, so I might just be in luck. And if it’s true what they say about the light-headedness; well who the f*ck doesn’t like being in a different frame of reference? Bring on the xylitol baby!

  28. 28
    Jonn says:


    So its been about a week or more since I’ve posted.

    I went and bought the xylitol gum and lemon drop candies. I also bought a large bag of xylitol crystals for mixing into stuff like oatmeal and a drink I made today.

    This evening I went to the local health food store and bought some Veganese (so good!) and organic lemon juice. I use a Britta water filter container generally for water use.

    Since I’m drinking more water lately, I wanted to get some lemon juice to add a little flavor to the water since water is not easy for me to drink all the time. I’ve been drinking more sparkling water and it gets to tasting salty b/c of the carbonation in the Perrier or whichever I’m buying. So a little lemon or lime in the sparkling water bottle is good.

    I am now an otherwise, sobered, soda and caffeine freak. I’ve been off caffeine more or less now for about a week’s time. I did have some coffee mid week though.

    And I’ve been wondering and hoping I could get some use out of the xylitol crystals I bought that were too expensive. Well, I had to have that coffee the other day so I put some crystals into that with Silk chocolate soymilk. Delicious!

    But then this evening when I was cooking some salmon and rice, and when I came back from the store with the juice. I though I was going to drink water for dinner and fuck everything else. I put some of the lemon juice in my water and then I was thinking to myself, ‘hell, I’m gonna make me some lemonade!’

    Let me tell you it was the best glass of lemonade I’ve had in years or probably ever. That’s when I realized, you see, the sweetness of whatever sweetener (corn syrup, sugar, or xylitol or w/e can be used) you’re using should not drown out the taste of the lemon. So often that happens in canned lemonades that use corn syrup and artificial lemon flavors that would taste like shit if the corn syrup wasn’t the main ingredient in the can of soda or lemonade or tea or just about every canned drink non healthy.

    Purified and filtered water, organic lemon juice au naturale, and Xylitol crystals. I seriously doubt I’ve ever had a better tasting lemonade, and the xylitol sweetener really brings out the actual depth of flavor in the lemon juice! That has never happened before when I drank processed lemonades.

    It’s hard to gauge the xylitol crystals and how sweet it will make something. Measurements are not readily available. But the funny thing is that xylitol is nothing like an unhealthy non-sweetener like syrup or Sweet ‘n’ Low might be, or others. Xylitol tastes and acts just like sugar and so I think it will probably measure the same way.

    For example, it takes far less Sweet ‘n’ Low, to sweeten a cup of coffee, than it does sugar. One pack of S’n'L and a cup is fully sweet add creamer. Nearly two packs of sugar, or at least two teaspoons full of sugar for a semi sweet cup of coffee. But if the coffee tastes like shit anyways, put more sugar in it.

    Same with the xylitol, a couple of heaping teaspoons of the stuff and good coffee has its flavor brought out and even some of its aroma by the xylitol. Same with the glass/cup of lemonade. Two teaspoons of xylitol and its the best drink of lemonade I have ever tasted!

    In fact, I am typing this while I’m next to a second glass of lemonade right now; purified water, organic lemon juice, and xylitol.

  29. 29
    Jonn says:

    I now have bought some xylitol in large amounts. It’s freaking awesome in natural lemonade, in coffee, in its candies, and whatever else. I’m hooked!!!

  30. 30
    julie says:

    I bought gum with xylitol and also these candies…they’re pretty good…no side effects. I just purchased the bulk “sugar” xylitol and plan to use it in baking. I made some lemonade with it yesterday, drank quite a bit, and was up with mild diarrhea last night. I suspected that might be what caused it, and found this online. I looked at the bag and found that in small type they don’t recommend you use it to sweeten beverages (like lemonade) because of the quantity you need to use. Well, I still plan to use it in baking, but will use probably half & half to start. Want to reduce my kids sugar consumption. Plus, the gastrointestinal side effects will be a great incentive to not overindulge. I read that over 40g per day of xylitol can cause the side effects. Also, the bag says it won’t work well in hard candy…but didn’t say anything about baking. I ordered a cookbook with xylitol recipes. I’m excited and plan to keep an open mind.

  31. 31
    Val says:

    For those who have not used xylitol before, or not much, it is not recommended to use large amounts of xylitol to begin with. It is known to cause intestinal upset – usually diarrhea, sometimes vomiting. It’s best to slowly get your body used to it. I switched our family over this past summer, beginning with very small quantities. Neither myself nor my husband & 4 children have had any negative effects. I have, however, lost a substantial amount of weight, ostensibly due to the elimination of the insulin-impact of sugar & corn syrup.

    When we switched, I used 1/2 tsp in my coffee with other sweetener for a week, then increased it. For the family, I made cookies or zucchini bread substituting it for sugar & gave them small servings daily.

    I have used it for cooking a variety of products – baked goods, sugarless jelly with Pomona’s pectin, lemonade, ice cream, smoothies, apple butter, etc… found that it dissolves more slowly than table sugar (sucrose). I watch the crystal size in the bags & if it looks larger than sugar, I run it briefly through the blender to make smaller ones.

    It worked well in every product I tried except butter-cream frosting (and because it was on a birthday cake, there was some gastrointestinal trouble due to the quantity). I have a friend who tried to use it in a cooked icing, & that didn’t turn out either. I have been told that since it crystallizes differently than sugar, candy recipes will not turn out properly, but I intend to try it in fudge at Christmas anyway, since the worst I can end up with is hot fudge sauce.

    The one thing I might wonder with those who had rashes, etc., is whether the product purity was good, and I’m not sure how one would know that.

    We have tried both the spry gum & mints with no problems, but we use them in small quantities. I think I may try the Sparx in the childrens’ Christmas stockings. I already bought sugar-free (Maltitol sweetened) Hallmark chocolates for this year.

  32. 32
    Daniel says:

    I switched to xylitol but like some have written above it is best to go in slow to let the enzymes build up in your stomach and intestines to digest it. The benifits of Xylitol far outway the risk and desease i have seen sugar do on this society. Diabetes runs in my family so i am looking out for the future. I noticed a little gas and some slight changing effects and another way to look at it is when you start changing over to more xylitol and less sugar you are certain to feel the sugar withdraw ha.
    Try going sugar free for ten days you will be crawling for some like a druggy looking for a fix. The less sugar i use the better i feel. I work construction and i am 44 years old. Since switching i feel ten years younger. Less pain in my muscles and joints. I feel more spring in my step, much less fatigue and no hills and valleys from the effects of sugar. I also have Hep c and my liver is singing with joy. Thanking me for finally figuring out that the sugar was killing me. It is in everything, i think the average human digests 140 lbs of sugar a year. Hmmm. Ok i will stop in here later and give more updates. Change is never easy but this was the best change ever for me.

  33. 33
    Valerie says:

    I have just recently started using chewing gum containing xylitol in an effort to strengthen my teeth. I bought xylitol crystals and I was wondering would there be any benefit to mixing it in water and using it as a mouthwash. Has anyone else tried that?

  34. 34
    mary says:

    I am so glad I found this article.
    Over the last week I felt like I was dying. I’ve had kidney stones that didn’t feel this bad.
    One day I ate a salad that had garlic croutons. I couldn’t get the taste or smell out of my mouth and was having a last minute consult with a client.
    I kept chewing this gum from Japan at the store next door.
    I was fine until the middle of the night the next day.
    There is no way to describe what had happened. I knew it wasn’t food poisoning. I went to the doctor and he thought it was some gastrointestinal thing caused by stress, but I knew that there is no way stress could have hit me that quickly. The pain was soooo bad. The nausea….couldn’t eat for at least two days…..still never quite got back to normal after four days.
    Then all of the sudden I couldn’t find any mints again and decided to pop the gum again. This time ONE piece was bring ing on the same pain and nausea.
    I looked at the package to see what was in it.
    IT said sweetened with xylitol.
    I just went online and saw what the side effects were……
    There’s no way that’s a coincidence.
    So Brian I don’t think you’re crazy or the only one.
    I would never suspect my gum or candy to make me sick like that.
    Good thing I didn’t go to the hospital. That would have cost me thousands to figure this thing out!

  35. 35
    mary says:

    By the way I want to add that I did not know this should be consumed in certain quantities. Sorry that the gum was not strong enough like some of the other ones on the market.
    Maybe I wouldn’t have needed to use so many pieces.

  36. 36
    Karen says:

    I haven’t read this entire page with all the comments, but I did read the article. I use powdered Xylitol in my coffee, and I do find that if I use ONLY xylitol, I feel a little cruddy about an hour later. If I do this several days in a row (maybe two cups of coffee a day), I get headaches, too. Now, let me clarify a little – I drink large mugs of coffee probably 10-11 oz, so I use quite a bit of sweet stuff – usually 5 tsps per mug. :-o But, if I mix the xylitol with some regular sugar (like 3 tsp xylitol and 2 tsps sugar)then I’m fine. I don’t notice even a slight change in taste, and don’t feel icky afterwards either. I’ve chewed the gum, too, but only one at a time – never had a problem. Must be some are just very sensitive to it. Love to share more info with you – please visit my site. RealWellnessSolutions dot com.

  37. 37
    trollgirl says:

    Xylitol is very unique. Instead of feeding bacteria and yeast, like other sugars do, which allow both to become over grown parasites in our bodies…. Xylitol is a sweet poison to yeast and bacteria. Both consume the xylitol and in return, the xylitol kills them. What many of you are experiencing is die-off reactions…. I have had the same effects taking strong anti-fungal medications as I have learned through the years I have a systemic yeast problem, probably from consuming too many carbs.

    I too started on Xylitol and got sick, headaches, runs, bloating, etc. However, I increased my dosage daily, trying to maintain a comfortable tolerance level. As the yeast and bacteria die off, the symptoms stop…. I am up to 10 tbls a day…..its the only sugar I am consuming. The jury is still out for me…. in a few months, I will evaluate how I feel using it long term, but so far, it has been a miracle sugar. Its very common to confuse die off reactions with allergies, or bad reactions…..

  38. 38
    Janis says:

    I have found all these entries very interesting. Yesterday I found the spry candy as well as gum at my local health food store and was estatic since I’ve had no sugar (or fruit) at all for 2 weeks and was craving it. Heard about Xylitol as safe and thought I found something that would satisfy my sweet craving – the candy and the gum were delicious. HOWEVER……today I felt so lethargic and sleepy and just not well. I thought I was coming down with something but oh how this feels like a sugar crash to me (experienced many of those before). I happened on this website quite by mistake as I found myself wondering if by some strange coicidence this could actually be like a sugar crash due to the Xylitol I had yesterday…first time in 2 weeks any sugar type substance in my system. So….I’m thinking I’ll wait and see how tomorrow is and form my opinion on whether to have any more gum or candy with Xylitol. I don’t like this feeling – can’t function! Bummer because I was so excited!

  39. 39
    Davusika says:

    I have been chewing gum with xylitol in it for awhile now, sporadically. We started using it after it was recommended by our son’s dentist. I have FINALLY put two and two together. Whenever I chew the gum, my eyelids get really red and puffy and itchy. If I keep chewing the gum, my lips start to erupt with itchy spots. I thought it was wine and peanuts, which have bothered me in the past, but I’ve finally narrowed it down to the gum. I also thought it was my makeup. I’ve thrown out all my makeup and bought new, hypoallergic makeup. It can’t be anything else BUT the gum at this point.

  40. 40
    ed says:

    I found out about Xylitol when I was searching for a natural remedy for sinus infections. As a kid, I loved candy, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve grown to eat candy less and less because it inevitably causes me to get sick the next day with a cold or sinus infection. Sugar helps all kinds of bacteria grow in your mouth, throat, and sinuses. Xylitol is such a wonder sweetener because it can’t be fermented by bacteria, but it looks enough like sugar that bacterias try to use it anyway, and end up dying trying. Plus, it tastes great, sweetens just like sugar, but with a nice cooling effect added. I love it.

    I feel sorry for all of you who had adverse reactions and had to eliminate Xylitol from your diet. When I got my first tin of Xylitol mints, I loved the taste so much that I had a hard time keeping myself from eating too much, but having had a bad diarrhea experience with eating too many sorbitol candies when I was a kid, I did restrain myself. I ended up having some mild stomach discomfort the first day or two of opening that first tin of Xylitol mints, but nothing I couldn’t tough out. I didn’t have any diarrhea that I can remember, maybe just a slight softening of my stools and a slightly more frequent urge to go, but in my mind those were a plus.

    I’ve been eating the Xylitol mints for about a month now and just love them. My teeth have never felt cleaner, my throat is cleaner (far fewer tonsil stones/bad breath), my sinuses feel good, no stomach aches from the Xylitol ever again. The only thing I worry about now is finding a cheap source for my next box of xylitol mints and making sure I eat enough calories from real food (xylitol tastes so much like sugar, but has very little caloric content). Most americans have trouble with eating too many calories, but I’ve always tended to go the other way for whatever reason.

  41. 41
    Haley says:

    I’ve been eating a tube of the fruit flavored Sparx all last night and also some right now and love it — the banana tastes like real bananas and the grape reminds me of grape flavored Nerds. No side effects at all, though I’ve been chewing xylitol gum practically everyday for a year now. Xylitol is such a life saver for me because I’ve had a lot of dental work done and can not afford any more caivities.

  42. 42
    chickie says:

    My husband and son are both diabetic, and I am constantly on the lookout for sugar substitutes to use for them – some work well in one application but not another, etc etc. (like stevia is OK in small amounts in a drink, but is pretty impossible to bake with.
    I picked up a bag of xylitol at the natural food store, and we made some lemonade with it (partial, and sugar) the other night. DH had to get up in the middle of the night to take something for his pounding headache. My son and I both had headaches to a lesser degree and had to take something as soon as we worke in the morning.

    DH wondered if the zylitol could be the cause, even though the bag made no mention of possible side effects. I found this site while searching info and it looks like that is the case.

    While I like the research I have read about cavities and other health benefits, if a piece of gum or the small amount we had can cause side effects, exactly how small of an amount do you have to start with!?!

    I will probably keep the bag and mix it in a very small ratio with something else to see if we can build up a tolerance…

  43. 43
    Rose says:

    Xylitol, if taken more then half a teaspoon per day, will cause SEVERE bowel distress. For obvious reasons, I will not elaborate.

  44. 44
    cricket says:

    Stevia is a better alternative for tea or cabonated water you want to make taste like soda.Nu Clear steavia or vanilla cream stevia Liquid is best. Other brands have a natural aftertaste (because its a plant )
    Xylital is not natural. Its man made. Stevia is a plant they just remove the chllorphil, grind it up and put it in glycerin. Its been used for thousands of cant use it to bake with so I use Xylital once in a while for baked items only.The less processed the product the better for your body

  45. 45
    Amelia says:

    To the person who believes that if xylitol is bad for dogs, then it’s bad for humans: Hello! Chocolate can kill dogs, and it’s been proven to be good for humans. Faulty logic, there.

  46. 46
    Karen says:

    Grateful for this site. I just connected the dots. The nausea, stomache aches, headaches and sore throat are clearly from xylitol. (Have been an occasional user for months.)

    One tiny piecs of gum is all it takes. Has anyone had tingling in the face from it? Might be a coincidence, but it comes and goes. Today it came after one piece of gum.

    Can someone clarify–are you saying that xylitol can help reduce fungal growth or bacteria overgrowth in the intestines? If so, what’s the mechanism? And has it been proven that it does not harm the liver? That’s where my belly ache is, so that’s a bit of a worry for me too. Why all this distress over a substance that is touted as neutral or even good for you?

  47. 47
    tina says:

    I just had to search “side effects of xylitol” and stumbled upon this site-gum with xylitol makes me sick even after one piece(stomach cramping, upset stomach, pretty bad)I had to try the gum on two or three different occassions just to be sure and after a few minutes ago I’m sure that’s what is making me sick-I guess some people’s bodies just can’t handle it

  48. 48
    Roxanne says:

    I just made the connection. I thought I was having anxiety attacks again or caffeine overload. I only now decided to look up on the Internet Ice Breakers Ice Cubes gum and stomach upset. I then went from there to look up side effects of Xylitol. I noticed it yesterday as well as soon as I ate a piece of gum. My symptoms are upset stomach and light headedness. I am going to give the gum to my co-worker who seems to have no effect. Too bad I love the gum.

  49. 49
    Kelly says:

    I just started using a tiny bit of Xylitol in my teas and on oatmeal. I love the taste but as I’ve never had a huge sweet tooth, I don’t use much. No side effects that I can see and I’m riddled with food allergies and intollerances at the moment.

    I found the comment about Xylitol causing “die off reactions” with yeast overgrowth to be very interesting as that is the reason I’ve switched from honey and agave syrup to xylitol in the firt place. I keep a food diary so I’ll make sure that any changes get noted and we’ll just see.

  50. 50
    Misha says:

    I also have just consumed my first cup of coffee with xylitol (2 teasps) and was so excited to do so after earlier research showed its positive effects. I have just found the previous reviews on the product. I drink coffee with honey usually and welcomed the change. I will keep you posted if there are or are not any side effects worth reporting. Yes, it is expensive but hopefully the claims of kerbing the sweet tooth will slow down consumption. I do take heed in the previous mention of health costs for sugar problems which I do understand and was in my mind when purchasing.
    Anyway… in touch!

  51. 51
    Misha says:

    Have returned a survived no ill effects from my first dose of xylitol. However I will go slowly replacing sugar gradually with xylitol so the body adapts re: the above comments.

  52. 52
    Astaroth says:

    I’ve been consuming Xylitol now for nearly 2days.i was actually looking for Stevia,but unfortunately the only shop who sells natural sweetners in my area was out of stock and i decided 2 give Xylitol a try.Im not planning to give it up yet but damn ppl,im bloated and giving off gas like a pregnant horse!and for an hour i had mild stomache usually constipated,i was hoping Xylitol could help me have bowl movements but so far that aspect only improved slightly.the main reason i went looking for natural sweetner was cause i suffer from Candida,and ive got a sweet tooth.can any1 explain to me,is this bloating a sure sign my yeast problem is busy dying?and how long might these terrible symptoms last?oh,and i brush my teeth and floss religiously but yet i end up wit tooth decay at least twice a year,most likely due2 my sugar cravings.the other day i noticed one of my back teeth seems to hav chipped or lost small strip of enamel in the most weirdest place,above by the gumline.almost as if i flossed it mortified!i dont have the money2 visit my dental hygenist for at least 2 mnths and i fear ill lose my tooth,for its starting to hurt a little.can anyone advice me pls,can Xylitol be my saviour?if Xylitol remineralizes teeth,and if i avoid cane sugar like the plague,could this possibly repair my tooth?oh,and i agree,Xylitol tastes gr8,but the flatulence sucks big time and the price is “pricey.”A gr8 tip to those ppl who use Xylitol.make a chocolate drink to satisfy ur choco cravings.its fabulous.use 1 tsp raw cacao,200ml cold fat-free milk,2 ise-cubes and 3 tsp heaped Xylitol.shake it up so it becomes like a thick milkshake,and then indulge.gr8 for dieters.contains no more than 100 the benefits of raw cacao is amazing,ranging from increasing collegen production,liver tonic,gr8 for nails and hair and a mood elevator amongst other things.yum!

  53. 53
    Rachel says:

    Im glad that I found this site. I bought Ice Breakers Ice Cubes gum (with Xylitol)three days ago. I was sick the first day I ate it with nausea, more than frequent bowel movements , a headache and excessive gas. I thought that I was getting a stomach flu but I was fine the next morning.

    Sometime around noon the next day I had another piece of gum and again I got the same sickness and the only thing I had in common with the previously day was eating this gum at the time that I got sick.

    I started looking around and found that some people do not process Xylitol correctly. I know that it makes me feel like I have some kind of stomach flu.

    I was glad to stumble on this site and fine out that Im not alone. I discovered that you body does get used to it after some time but Im going to cut it out of my diet completely. I hate this feeling.

  54. 54
    Bonnie says:

    I began putting xylitol in my morning coffee when I lived with a roommate who used it. I thought it sounded like the perfect natural sweetener.

    About a week later, I took a pregnancy test after getting nauseous EVER morning. I wasn’t pregnant’ it was the xylitol!

  55. 55
    Mary Winston says:

    It is frightening me to read people’s poor ability to reason about health. Xylitol is produced naturally in many living things. Even if you don’t eat xylitol it is already in your system and it is a naturally occuring alcohol sugar in many foods.It is not an “artificial sweetner,” in that it is found in nature and it has been proven to itself not be anything but good for the body. But what happens when it is consumed even in small amounts. Why do some not feel well? Most of us are full of bad germs throughout our bodies. If you eat something that kills the bad germs the death of the germ can cause a Herksheimer reaction (a die off reaction). This is beacause germs produce neurotoxins and release them slowly when they grow or quickly if they die off. The toxins produced by the 1- 2 pounds of bad germs in your body (candida fungus in your gut, bacterias, etc)are possibly one of the main causes of ill health. Most people who die from AIDS or cancer die from the effects of the toxins from the overgrowth of fungus that occurs when their immune systems fail. Something even most doctor’s don’t know is that not only do germs do bad things such as make us all the time a little bit sick (headaches, depression, arthritis, low immune low body temp…etc) and cold and lethargic, but they do quasi good things too like hold onto our heavy metals for us. Even if you kill only a few germs in your stomach (helicobacter pylori – infection rate in US up to 85% of us)it can release heavy metals (nausea, headache) and or cause your body to have an allergic reaction to the germ’s toxins not the xylitol or garlic which you ate that killed them off (so maybe its not the natural xylitol its the mercury or neurotoxins from the die off).

    To help with understanding health which is super complicated please, you slightly trigger-happy bloggers, learn to write down your ideas and then research each word that is not 100% clear to you on the internet before you publish. That is one way you can really understand more. However, the more you learn the more confusing it all is so maybe you are all wiser to just reason things out in your own private universes. It is a problem in general on the internet that people type without researching enough on their own.

    Maybe this is wrong, but I hope this helps raise the bar on thinking together!
    Be well, all of us! Mary

  56. 56
    Dana Lou says:

    Usually with this kind of thing few people will get sick and its expected. Its just odd how many people have found this one website to post on and all have had problems with the Xylitol. It sounds like in its raw form for baking people react harsher to it. I would think muffins would at least have a cup or more of sugar. So from not having Xylitol at all to having atleast two muffins is extremely excessive. I think people that have admitted to slowly and gradually introducing themselves to this sugar substitute have the right idea. Anything in excess and extremes is bad for you whether it be food, alcohol or anything.
    I chew gum with Xylitol in it. It’s raspberry mint Orbit. I love the stuff but I don’t have a more then two pieces a day. I also don’t chew gum everyday.
    I really feel bad for the woman with the son with the bad eczema problem it sounds like he’s just completely allergic to it. I hope he’s better because that is an awful thing to go through. Kid’s do learn these things about themselves when there small so when there older they know what to expect for themselves. I just don’t think something should be completely outed because a few people are allergic and have problems with it. Lots of people are allergic to strawberry’s,tomatoes, wheat but nobody is taking that off the market because few people are.
    If we all should be worried about anything its the water. I am much more concerned about getting cancer from chemically tainted water then sugar substitutes.

  57. 57
    Cliff Elfstrom says:

    Sure glad I read these replies on xylitol before I tried it! Reminds me of when I first tried nattokinase to thin my blood. My blood pressure went sky high which was the opposite effect I was expecting. I would have never tried it again except for the fact that it dramatically improved the circulation in my legs. So I waited 2 days until my blood pressure dropped back down and tried it again. My blood pressure shot up but not as high and the circulation in my legs got even better. Now I can take several pills a day and have no blood pressure rise at all as I am now using the nattokinase to dissolve the remaining fibrin in my scar tissue. Definitely getting to the point of diminishing returns. The point I am making is that I will start using xylitol very gradually so as not to be overwhelmed by any yeast die off symptoms and build up my tolerance at a comfortable rate. I suggest others do the same. I am hoping that xylitol will help me control my diabetes better and not contribute to insulin resistance like today’s historically high intake of fructose has done to me.

  58. 58
    SALLY says:

    I tried xylitol, just in tea and coffee so only about 1 and half teaspoons per day. I began to feel nauseous but figured I was detoxing after cutting out sugar etc. I kept up the xylitol as it does have anti-bac benefits but although I wd use more than 1.5 tsp per day on certain days and use in baking ie 1/2 cup to make 12 muffins – I got SEVERE cramps and actually had a test for food poisoning it was that bad. It caused inflammation in my intestines to the point that the OC that I use was not being absorbed so estrogen/progesterone cronically low. Thanks xylitol. NOT!!! I have given this stuff the elbow.

  59. 59
    CAS says:

    My husband & I have been using xylitol as part of Dr Ellie’s dental health regime for a little less than a month now, with each of us having very different effects from the same protocol (6-10g xylitol per day after antiseptic rinses and brushing). I noticed an almost immediate lessening of bad-breath and tooth sensitivity, and my gingivitis started getting better (less soreness, gums healing). I had only one bout of the runs after a day in the first week when I ate a double dose or more, and I’ve had no problems since then, though I’m more cautious now to limit my consumption.

    My husband however, had the experience of increasing rawness in his mouth, which after a couple of weeks got so bad he was forced to start trying to eliminate the cause by stopping one after another of the elements of Dr. Ellie’s regime, beginning with the most caustic rinses (the alcohol based Listerine) and waiting a few days before he changes anything else, to see what the effect is. He is now down to eliminating the most innocuous rinse, the xylitol solution (he’s only been doing one teaspoon to a liter of water), and after only one day off of it, he’s finally feeling a bit of relief, though its too soon to be sure it will heal up completely. A google search of “xylitol adverse reactions” brought up a mention of rare allergic reactions (for the allergic people possible at any dose), and of “oral excema” (rash, raw skin in the mouth) which is only supposed to occur at daily dosages above 60 grams, not the 6-10 grams my husband has been taking. He’s really disappointed, because his teeth could really use the remineralization effect of xylitol.

    There are also papers describing the kill-off reactions that others have mentioned above – I suppose what my husband is experiencing could b e a manifestation of that. Xylitol is supposed to have antifungal and anti-yeast properties (thus its worthless for making yeast-raised baked goods). I’m wondering if my husband’s mouth already had fungal or yeast organisms incubating in the skin, if that could explain why his skin is being attacked, and not mine. Or perhaps our biochemistry is just that different; if the average person makes 15 grams of xylitol per day, what happens to a person who makes a lot more than the normal amount in their body and then takes an external dose on top of that – would they get the symptoms of an overdose? We may never know, but each person knows their own body best and must listen to it.

    Lastly, I wanted to mention that not all xylitol is created equal (hardwood sourced is best – much of the Chinese stuff comes from agribiz corncobs), and that many products that boast they contain xylitol also contain other sugar substitutes like sorbitol, which definitely can cause gastro-intestinal troubles, and can also cause dental cavities worse than those caused by pure sugar. Those who’ve had bad reactions they’ve blamed on xylitol would do well to find out where it was sourced and whether it was pure or blended with other artificial sweeteners.

    In our case we were careful to get the 100% pure hardwood sourced xylitol, yet it didn’t make a difference for my husband. Interestingly, I think he doesn’t have a noticeable bad reaction to aspartame/Nutrasweet, though he avoids it anyways, yet when I get some by mistake, I know it almost immediately, for it gives me a splitting headache in less than 10 minutes, and I’m not prone to headaches unless I’m really dehydrated.

  60. 60
    Jeff says:

    Wow, the BS on the page in defense of Xylitol is unbelievable and irresponsible. I bought a bag from a health food store, and the first time I used it became sick with an unusual malaise and bad digestive issues, but chalked that up to coincidence. Now monthly later, I tried using Xylitol again, and I’m having those exact symptoms all over again…this expensive bag now goes in the trash.

  61. 61
    Denise says:

    I’ve been using Xylitol and baking with it for the past three weeks and both my husband and I are just fine. Some things that are natural bother some people, others not.

  62. 62
    Todd says:

    I guess I have to stop eating Xylitol! The problem is exactly what it does. It kill bacteria and yeast, and is eaten.
    In our digestive tract, bacteria is beneficial. That’s why we eat Yogurt.
    This is why Xylitol causes diarrhea and gas. It is bad for your digestion because it kills good bacteria.
    Go figure. Live and learn!
    I have to go to the health food store and buy yeast and get my intestinal flora back to normal!

  63. 63
    Todd says:

    Oops I mean Yogurt!

  64. 64
    Mary says:

    Xylitol can be used in cooking. Just not for bread, cakes, any recipe that rise. It stops the process. I have used it in cooking oatmeal. I add it and cinnamon . Along with some organic coconut oil mixed into my butter. All combined makes a nice tasty morning dish. I mix organic coconut oil into my butter to extend it, plus it give the butter fluffy consistant, has better flavor. A little goes a long way. Hint: my husband does not like coconut..cannot tell the difference…he always comments on how good everything taste, from biscuits to meats.

  65. 65
    Tens says:

    Hard to believe some of the anti-xylitol comments here – this is naturally occuring sugar alcohol …the body naturally produces xylitol and it is found in many fruit and vegetables. You definitely should not be using xylitol as you would sugar. It should be used sparingly like a medicine, in small amounts split up in the day on a daily basis.

    Xylitol is extremely powerful (probably the most effective antimicrobial ever discovered) in its effect on pathogenic bacteria. It doesn’t just kill and eradicate s. mutans, the bug responsible for cavities, but also candida and many pathogens involved in periodontal disease. It has been known to heal hopelessly large periodontal pockets very rapidly and clear up gum disease like nothing else. It is doomsday for bacteria. It tastes sweet like sugar, but should be treated like the powerful medicine it is. Additionally, it appears to help with insulin control and osteoporosis.
    Use it sparingly at first. Like many human foods, dogs cannot have it, it can cause fatal hypoglycemia

    Here is an interesting site that looks at its dental effects:

    Xylitol is a huge threat to the dental industry and even to the health and alternative health industry. Unlike many of the herbs and healing recommendations and diets around, xylitol works and does it fast and cheap.

  66. 66
    Tens says:

    Of course, with the above said, it is possible to be intolerant to anything, and if you are having a bad reaction to xylitol, cut back or discontinue if there is no improvement.

  67. 67
    Mundo says:

    I generally have an iron stomach – but xylitol is my kryptonite!

    This has struck me twice – once a few years back with gum that gave me nasty obdominal pain every time I chewed it (easy to find the cause then).

    And now again after weeks of worry and a doctor visit – because of ongoing abdominal pain – I find xylitol in my new Tom’s of Maine tooth paste! Switch toothpaste and the pain was gone within 36hrs.

    Thank god! I thought I had a gall stone! How can anyone actually eat this stuff?

  68. 68
    AndyB says:

    @lilaviator – Your reaction to Tom’s toothpaste is probably from the flavoring, not the xylitol. I had the same reaction, and that was before they started using xylitol. My dentist says it’s probably from the cinnamon, which is irritating to some people.

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