At Circuit City the other day I saw a mint I hadn’t seen before: Monster Mints. They claimed to be extra powerful and spicy and they come in cinnamon and peppermint flavors. The amazing thing about them though was the price: $3.99 for a tin!!! Four bucks for mints? I don’t care how good they are, I’m not paying $4 for a tin of mints. I did a little poking around at MonsterMints.com and found out these facts:
- Intensely Spicy includes Sri Lanka Ceylon and Vietnamese Cassia cinnamon oils.
- Sugar-free so they don’t promote tooth decay.
- There is nothing subtle about Monster Mints; they taste great and make you feel Monsterous.
OK, they sound intriguing, but I am not spending four bucks on a tin of mints. Why were they at Circuit City? The mints are from the same company that makes Monster Cables – here is the press release announcing them. So, yes, electronics companies make candy too…evidently.
I did find one mini-review of Monster Mints at 248am.com and they say:
I tried the red one which is Cinnamon flavored and f**k is it strong. It tastes like the red Chiclets packet except 100 times as powerful. Its so strong that its painful to keep on your tongue.
Ok, now I really want to try them since I really like cinnamon candy (especially Atomic Fireballs). Maybe I will pick up a tin next time I’m at Circuit City (which happens infrequently).
tags: candy mints monster cinnamon peppermint
i cant open my case!! will somebody please tell me how!! lol.. i’m horrible!! email me please.. KRISCIAx89@aol.com
September 7th, 2007 at 11:32 pm