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Cool and wacky candy from Japan

Monster Mints

Categories: Candy,Mint Candy,New Candy

Monster Mints

At Circuit City the other day I saw a mint I hadn’t seen before: Monster Mints. They claimed to be extra powerful and spicy and they come in cinnamon and peppermint flavors. The amazing thing about them though was the price: $3.99 for a tin!!! Four bucks for mints? I don’t care how good they are, I’m not paying $4 for a tin of mints. I did a little poking around at and found out these facts:

  • Intensely Spicy includes Sri Lanka Ceylon and Vietnamese Cassia cinnamon oils.
  • Sugar-free so they don’t promote tooth decay.
  • There is nothing subtle about Monster Mints; they taste great and make you feel Monsterous.

OK, they sound intriguing, but I am not spending four bucks on a tin of mints. Why were they at Circuit City? The mints are from the same company that makes Monster Cableshere is the press release announcing them. So, yes, electronics companies make candy too…evidently.

I did find one mini-review of Monster Mints at and they say:

I tried the red one which is Cinnamon flavored and f**k is it strong. It tastes like the red Chiclets packet except 100 times as powerful. Its so strong that its painful to keep on your tongue.

Ok, now I really want to try them since I really like cinnamon candy (especially Atomic Fireballs). Maybe I will pick up a tin next time I’m at Circuit City (which happens infrequently).


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One Response to “Monster Mints”

  1. 1
    Kriscia says:

    i cant open my case!! will somebody please tell me how!! lol.. i’m horrible!! email me please..

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