A couple weeks ago I mentioned that Fiberchoice was now available in candy form and I sent away for a free sample. I received my samples in the mail a few days ago and in my never-ending quest to try and weed out the good candy from the bad for you, I tried it (even though this just barely counts as real candy).
According to the package and website:
One daily dose – just two sweet orange drops – contains 4 grams of inulin, an all-natural dietary fiber found in fruits and vegetables, and the only fiber source that helps boost calcium absorption.
so I was expecting it to taste…bad. I was surprised when I tried it though – it tastes pretty good. It tastes like any other orange hard candy I have ever had. I have never had a fiber problem in my diet (or at least, not that I care to admit), and have never tried those “stir into your water” fiber supplements, but I have to believe that these Fiberchoice Fiber Drops have got to taste better than gritty fiber water. I just would not recommend putting these out in your candy dish at work or home.
tags: candy orange fiber metamucil
Where can one get these? I love them and can no longer find them anywhere.
October 20th, 2008 at 1:15 pm