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Pooping Candy Dispensers

Categories: Candy,Chocolate Candy,Gross Candy,Novelty Candy,Weird Candy

Chris Moose Pooping Candy Dispenser
“The Ultimate Chris Moose Pooper”

What is this world coming to? You can now get candy dispensers that poop out candy for you. Yes, I know these have been out for a while, but this is the first Christmas I have really seen them take off. I even saw them in Wal-Mart.

Groovy Candies has a whole section of their site devoted to them – the section is called “Poopers” (I’m not making this up). Moose (seen above), chickens, deer, cows, pigs, and kitties can be had – all ready to poop on command. also has a section called “Hilarious Holiday Candy” just for holiday poopers -they have the reindeer, snowman, penguin, sheep, and even jolly old St. Nick himself can be found, just waiting to drop a load of chocolate candy (or in Santa’s case, red and green candy) on whatever surface is nearby.

I’m just glad the Jelly Belly folks that did the Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans didn’t come up with this idea. Ewwwwwwwwwwww.

Santa Pooper
Santa Pooper
(image courtesy


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One Response to “Pooping Candy Dispensers”

  1. 1
    denise says:

    The “pooping” Santa might be a reference to the Spanish “El Caganer”, or “The Great Defecator”.

    Weird Christmas traditions *LOL*

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