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Personalized M&Ms

Categories: Candy,Chocolate Candy

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Custom MMs

Did you know you can order custom printed M&M’s? Well, you can! Just drop by the site and come up with a message or two that span 2 lines, 8 characters per line. Unfortunately, they are very strict about what gets put on the candy. When I tried the phrase “Candy Addict” I got this mesage:

M&M’S Brand will not print any foul or questionable language on your M&M’S Chocolate Candies.

Please enter a different message.

It wouldn’t even take “Add1ct” (with a ONE instead of an I). They must have a HUGE list of words and word variations it won’t allow. It’s fun to try and beat the censor and get it to allow something “foul or questionable”. It did let me put “MMs Suck” (as seen in the image above) though. I can’t believe it allows the word “suck”. Wait… I see – if you put MMs Suck on two lines it rejects it, but all on one line it takes the word “suck”. Hehe.

Post in the comments any “foul or questionable” phrases you were able to sneak by the M&M censors! (Yes, it’s childish, but who cares – this is a site about candy for goodness sake!)

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20 Responses to “Personalized M&Ms”

  1. 1
    JULIE says:

    how much does it cost for personalized m&m’s and how do they come? by the bag?box? i’d like to use them as awedding favor!!!

    RESPONSE: You can get all the info at the M&M site mentioned:

  2. 2
    2006-03-20 « Fun Links Daily says:

    [...] Customize your M&Ms [...]

  3. 3
    Kaki says:

    Ha! Ha! That is too funny!! I used the M&M for good, not bad:) as a suprise for my husband. He loved them. Thanks for the link!


  4. 4
    Martijn says:

    I’m Dutch. Thankfully, the site seems to take any dutch foul language I tried, from reproductive organs to things that could get me jailed if I described them here. Great stuff!

  5. 5
    Raavea says:

    I managed to create quite a filthy one, in English, on a well-matched colour.

    However, after trying a few other select phrases, I got bored. Here’s the link – WARNING TO CASUAL VIEWERS: CONTAINS FOUL LANGUAGE.

  6. 6
    Raavea says:

    Oh. It seems to have cut the link. Well, I’ve put it in the WEBSITE field of this comment, so feel free to click. :)

  7. 7
    Misty Maez says:

    I thought it would be cute to get these for my 5th grade students for Christmas, but at $11.25 per bag no way. Are there any cheaper places, or willing to do donations??

    RESPONSE: yeah – they are really pricey. I don\’t know that there is a cheaper place to get them – I doubt there is. There are some other options here:
    but I\’m not sure they are any cheaper.

  8. 8
    Hayley says:

    Ha ! it would be sooo funny just to pick up and m&m and have a ‘foul’ message.I managed to get a few good ones. Camel toe hehe

  9. 9
    adam says:

    Just leave a space between each letter and it’s as dirty as you want each message…

  10. 10
    Joyce Hammer says:

    Do you have any coupon codes for M&M’s personalized candy? I have the gift 14 for a free box, but wanted something a little more usable, like discount or free shipping or something.

  11. 11
    Edie Slape says:

    How do I navigate to the price section? Before I commit to anything, that is. Am interested in an approximate cost before I get too involved. Need favors for a high school 50th reunion party. Not certain how many will attend; could be about 150????? Thanks….

  12. 12
    Chantel says:

    Where do you find the coupons for a free bag?

  13. 13
    cg says:

  14. 14
    Laura says:

    I think these personalized M&Ms are a great idea, but I only want one bag. The site keeps telling me that I have to buy at least 4 of the regular bags or 20 of the little ones!!!
    Is there any way of ordering just one package?

  15. 15
    Tessie says:

    Coupons are often in the coupon section of Sunday’s paper.

    I ordered them as gifts for last Christmas and was totally disapointed. Many were unreadable. Several were broken. NOT what I expected from my favorite candy company. They gave me a discount since I was so disappointed, but I should have asked for a full refund and returned them. The quality was embarrassing. People didn’t even notice the faint print. Maybe they were rushed at the holidays … I don’t know. But … I wouldn’t order from them again. Not cheap … but if they looked good/professional, it would have been worth it.

  16. 16
    Bukah says:

    I checked out the m&m site and they are a little too expensive for what I’m looking for. I don’t want to order 50-100 dollars worth of chocolate. Anyone know where I could get some personalized chocolates for cheaper? Thanks much!

  17. 17
    MIlica says:

    Great idea! Shame they do not ship to Australia:(

  18. 18
    jENNIFER says:

    Hey I jUST WANTED TO TELL YOU, THAT i wanted to order one bag, but the website told me I HAVE TO ORDER MORE, THUS COSTING ME MORE MONEY.

  19. 19
    yo mama says:

    I know!!! I cant even order one bag seeshhhh!

  20. 20
    jessie759 says:

    i ordered a valentines gift box cost me about $60 but i got 3 7oz bags with pictures and sayings. i havent really inspected them much but so far they look good. i also got a keepsake frame off the site…its a little small but cute.

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