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Here are some Halloween costumes that allow you to not only GET candy on Halloween, you can BE candy:
- Sugar Babies costumes
- Blow Pop costumes
- Candy Corn costumes
- Tootsie Roll costumes
- Junior Mints costumes
- Sugar Daddy costumes
- Snickers costumes
- Twix costumes
- Skittles costumes
- Homemade candy dots costume
- Homemade CandyWoman (funny)
Some of those really crack me up. The Blow Pops guy is hilarious. [insert your own Blow Pop joke here]
Is it just me or is the CandyWoman scary-looking? She’s like a bad witch disguised as a good witch. RUN AWAY, KIDS!
Here’s another idea from parenthood.com:
Bag of Jelly Beans: Carefully cut two leg holes in the bottom of a large clear plastic bag. Dress your child in a white sweat suit. Put your child’s legs through the leg holes and then fill the bag up with small balloons of all different colors. Cut two holes and put the child’s arms through them. Fasten the top of the bag around her shoulders with clear tape or safety pins.
candy halloween costume costumes funny food
Wow, what a fun blog!
for further info:
Candy Woman’s costume is made of 100% real candy wrappers taped to a yellow raincoat. Also, you may not be able to tell in the pic that the hat is designed like a giant candy corn, and the glasses are covered in real jelly beans.
and, it’s not just you, she really is scary. hehheh.
Thanks for the attention on the pic.
RESPONSE: Thanks for the compliment, the info, and for sharing the picture! –the Candy Kid
November 1st, 2005 at 3:30 pm[...] Also see: candy costumes [...]
October 15th, 2006 at 6:02 pm[...] More candy costumes at Candy Addict [...]
October 18th, 2006 at 12:25 am[...] With the Holiday Ball less than 2 weeks away, everyone around GV headquarters has been frantically trying to put the finishing touches on their outrageous Candy-inspired garb and finding inspiration everywhere from beloved children’s movies to candybar wrappers and beyond. While I am merely one firey wig away from completing my ensemble, I know there are plenty of you out there scouring the streets for the perfect Sugar-Coated something to strut for the December 14th affair. While doing some shopping in Berkeley over the weekend and trying to help a friend put her outfit together, it became clear that maybe people needed some extra direction in figuring out what kind of outfit to create. Afterall, candy is pretty general, and with tons of options comes tons of indecision. If you’re feeling stuck for ideas (and not the delicious taffy kind of stuck), see if any of the suggestions below get your creative juices flowing: [...]
April 24th, 2007 at 10:31 pm