Wine X Magazine has come up with a Jelly Bean Wine Bar. Basically, they have recipes for combining Jelly Belly jellybeans to mimic the flavors you can taste in wine.
… the Jelly Bean Wine Bar delivers true flavors associated with specific varietals/styles. The idea is to taste the individual jelly beans first, to understand the different flavors associated with certain wine varietals. Then you put all of the flavors in your mouth at the same time, chew them together, and voila… you experience the wine varietal itself.
I’m not crazy about candy tasting like wine (I don’t like red wine), but they are Jelly Belly jellybeans – the combinations can’t taste much like wine, can they? Here is an example recipe for Cabernet Sauvignon: Blackberry + Blackberry + Cherry + Raspberry + Plum + Licorice + Dr. Pepper (and throw in one Dirt for French wine).
Seems like a lot of jellybeans to put in your mouth at once and that’s not even a big recipe (the Typical California Chardonnay needs 12 beans).
fun, food, foodblogs, wine, jellybeans
I’m going to have to go get my shop on now.
October 13th, 2005 at 4:27 amWine AND jelly beans?!?! That’s what I’m talkin’ about.