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Hershey’s Cherry Kisses – a mystery

Categories: Awesomely Addictive Candy,Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Limited Edition Candy,New Candy

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Cherry Cordial Hersheys Kiss

Yesterday I had one Limited Edition Hershey’s Cherry Cordial Kiss and it was really good (thanks, Hope!). It was sort of like the caramel-filled kisses, but the inside was filled with a thick cherry-flavored filling. I was going to post about it here and show pics and a link to the site, but there is no mention of these that I can find anywhere on the Hershey’s site (or on the internet or that matter). Are these being test marketed only in select markets (I’m in NC) so they don’t mention them on their website anywhere?

I looked around on the Hershey’s website for a while and could not find a general question email address. They do have a toll-free number but it’s only available 9-4, M-F. I might have to call them up and ask them about the Cherry Kisses on Monday. I’ll update you on Monday if I find out anything. Has anyone else across the country seen/tried these Cherry Kisses? My sister Bonnie snapped the above picture of this elusive candy.

UPDATE: I just created an online petition asking Hershey’s to keep the Cherry Kisses around all year. If you like them, go sign it! Thanks to a reader named Karma for the idea! Read my post about the petition.

Buy Hershey’s Cordial Kisses online:

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54 Responses to “Hershey’s Cherry Kisses – a mystery”

  1. 1
    davidm says:

    I actually saw a piece on limited edition candy on 20/20 (I think) a few months ago. It said that they are going to be limited edition release from November to early February only. So maybe you’re in a test market, or they rolled them out early. I believe they specifically said that they’ll be gone before Valentine’s Day. So..stock up. I have been looking for them, but haven’t come across any yet.

    RESPONSE: Thanks for the info! I like your site!

  2. 2
    ROSE MARIE says:

    We bought some of the cherry flavored hersey kisses last week. I have been all over looking for more and cannot find that flavor. WHERE can I find more. These are sooooooooo gooooood!!!!

    Rose Marie

    RESPONSE: I only had that one, but I am longing for more. I need to go on the hunt for them to get another bag or ten. –The Candy Kid

  3. 3
    Tricia says:

    I just purchased (10/16/05) a large bag of the cherry kisses from Sam’s Club in Orange County, CA…if that helps anyone find them! I would assume other Sam’s Clubs might be carrying them! I hope they stick around for a while…they are sooo good!!

  4. 4
    busymomcg says:

    All I can say about then is OMG! I only had one and I NEED more! I am also an the elusive path to find more. The co-worker who had them said that she purchased them at a Sam’s Club in Austin, Texas. However I live at minimum of an hour away from Austin, with gas prices the way they are I am having hard time convincing myself that it is worth the drive all the way in for them. Plus what happens if I got there and they were all gone! YIKES!!! Found them on the Sam’s online page but wouldn’t you know it states “No home delivery” How dare them!

  5. 5
    Brian says:

    So, sounds like Sam’s Club is the place. I’ve got to make a run and see if I can find them too somewhere.


  6. 6
    PhilR says:

    Here in Philadelphia, I found them (cherry kisses) in two CVS stores. I think they are the best of all the kisses so far, but I’m still waiting for the solid white chocolate kiss. That will be the ultimate !

    RESPONSE: Personally, I never really liked white chocolate, but I don’t think I have ever had GOOD white chocolate. As for the cherry kisses, I agree – they are the best I have had….so far. –The Candy kid

  7. 7
    Bonnie says:

    The Hershey kiss that started this post was bought from a BJ’s. That’s like a Sam’s Club, for those that don’t know :)

  8. 8
    Shanon says:

    i had them. my friend bought a whole bag at a whole sale store in Georgia, (BJ’s -but you might want to check Sam’s or costco if there are any in your area) so check there.

  9. 9
    Martha Munson says:

    I found them at B.J.’s in Columbia (MD)about a month ago, but when I went back last weekend to buy more to mail to a niece who can’t find them, they were all gone! They are sooo good!

  10. 10
    Karma says:

    They are really good, I hope they will decide to keep them on the shelves permanently. Thier like a Chocolate Covered Cherry without the cherry inside. With the great taste of Hershey’s chocolate. I FOUND A WEBPAGE SELLING bags of them for anyone who hasn’t found them at SAM’s

    hope this helps, we should get a petition started to keep them around. someone hook it up

    RESPONSE: Good find! I started the petition just like you suggested. Go here to sign it: –The Candy Kid

  11. 11
    Judy says:

    These are the best Hershey kisses around! I also found them at Sam’s club in Tennessee. I’m going to run back for more before they are all gone!! They taste just like a chocolate covered cherry! :)

  12. 12
    Eleanor says:

    I found the cherry flavored kisses at our local Walgreens in Northern Illinois. Boy are they good. Try them frozen. Still don’t see anything on their website. Hope you have good luck finding them. We bought lots! 2 bags for $5!!! It says limited edition! Enjoy! Good luck!


  13. 13
    Eleanor says:

    Now they are also at Target in Northern Illinois! So yummy!

  14. 14
    Candy Addict - Hershey’s Cherry Kiss Petition says:

    [...] iss Petition
    Posted by The Candy Kid under Candy , Chocolate , New Products 

    For all of you Candy Addicts out there that love the new [...]

  15. 15
    Winnie says:

    I got a bag from CVS last week …. went back today for more but they’re all gone. These are the best ever! I signed the petition and hope many others do too.

  16. 16
    Nancy says:

    I would like to find more of the Limited Edition Cherry Cordias. I have searched everywhere in my area and can’t fine anymore. I live in Mid Missouri. Can a person order them? They really are delicious and would be even better if they would make them with dark chocolate!

  17. 17
    KAT BARGAR says:


  18. 18
    Kathy says:

    I bought some for Thanksgiving and they are no where to be found now at Christmas time! I live in Indianapolis and they have GONE! I’ve looked everywhere! If you know of any close please reply!! Ü

  19. 19
    debra rothemund says:

    i really like the cherry kisses please make them a new regular candy…thanks debbie

  20. 20
    Sherry says:

    I want candy!!!! I love the cherry cordial kisses. Where or where can I get some. My friend bought some at Walgreen’s. We haven’t been able to find any more. HELP!

  21. 21
    linda says:

    Please tell me were i can buy more of the cherry cordial kisses. my whole family just love them.

    thankyou linda

  22. 22
    Gretchen says:

    I found the above at Hershey’s website

  23. 23
    carolsue garica says:

    i found the cherry cordial’s at target in marquette, mi. at christmas time and i loved them. i use to eat the chocolate covered cherries with the cream and the liquid filled cella’s and i have dentures and they would make me gag so i had to give them up with great disappointment. when i ate the hersey cherry cordial, i was thrilled when i didn’t gag cause of my dentures. please keep them going they are great. thanks.

    RESPONSE: Too much information :)

  24. 24
    Debbie D says:

    These have been spotted at Sam’s Clubs in two states (that I am aware of). North Carolina and Maine. The 36 oz bags are going for around $12 plus shipping on E-bay. People must really love ‘em. I know I do!

  25. 25
    Sharon J. says:


  26. 26
    JumboCandy says: still has a ton of these tasty little chocolates!

  27. 27
    Free Petition says:

    I like your blog and your idea for a chocolate Kisses petition.

    You should know that the next time you want to create a petition you should go to XXXXXXXX because it allows you to create CUSTOM petitions…
    1) that look like your blog or site; and
    2) do NOT have advertising on your petition

    Just some friendly advice.

    RESPONSE: Actually, next time I’ll just host it myself on my own site. But thanks anyway.

  28. 28
    Erin E. says:

    Another spotting–this time at a CVS in Chapel Hill, NC!!!

    They are now 2 bags for $5–get ‘em while they’re still around!!!

  29. 29
    Laura Peck says:

    I was at Sam’s Club yesterday and they have the 38.5 oz. bag for $6.83. What a great price. I saw on line you can order it for $19.99, that’s just too much. They are so good, I hope Hershey decides to keep them around all year. not just at Christmas time. I’ve looked everywhere else and nobody carries them right now.

  30. 30
    natalie velez (age 14) says:

    my mom and dad are goig nuts looking for them and noow i found out that there limmited i think here were i live wont have the puerto rico

  31. 31
    debbie coats says:

    i was tempted with one free cherry cordial mystery kiss from an advertisement
    that an apartment comflex handed out 2 weeks ago. Have been on a mad search ever since. please let me know if any are seen in dallas tx.

  32. 32
    Christaine says:

    Do not worry mom, I have found some and they are in the mail.
    Love you.

  33. 33
    debbie coats says:

    i thought these candies were the best things on earth but little did i know the best thing on earth found them for me. i love you too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. 34
    Marti says:

    I was having a chocolate craving last week and decided to dig into my kids candy stash. They still have some left over from Halloween and Christmas. I grabbed a Hershey’s Kiss and popped it into my mouth and OH MY GOD!!!!!! What a treat, it tasted like cherry. I checked the little paper and it said cherry. I have been looking since that day to try and find more but to no avail. I checked the Hershey’s website and if you go under products by alphabet they will have the cherry cordials there and you can order them. I believe it $5.95 for a tin of these candies. But I want some now and wish I could find some at a store. I have yet to check out Walgreen’s, Super D’s and Rite Aid. Sometimes they will have things like that because of Valentine’s Day.

    RESPONSE: Yep you’re right – here’s the link.

  35. 35
    Rita says:

    I found them at Sam’s Club in Colorado. About $7 for a 38.5 oz bag. They’re wonderful!!!! Hope Hershey’s figures out what a goldmine these are. Just look at what prices eBay is getting…~$16/bag!!! If Hershey’s wants to boost it’s profits (instead of someone else’s), it has got to make these avlb full-time.

  36. 36
    Heather says:

    I just bought (2) bags of 38.5 oz bags for $15/a piece. What can I say, I’m shameless! These are the best kisses that I have ever had, I really hope that Hershey starts making them yearround. I attempted to sign the online petition, but my computer froze midway thru the process. How is Hershey viewing the petition? Just curious….

  37. 37
    Bev says:

    Look on Ebay. They’re selling some bags over there. I purchased 2 38.5 oz bags for 20.00.

  38. 38
    J.M. Shelton says:

    Someone sent me the kisses for a gift N I went everywhere to fine it them N had know luck.They were flavor with cherry flavor not fill with it .

  39. 39
    Sherri says:

    The Walmart store in Decorah, Iowa has them in again!!!! YAY!!!!! Don’t know if this means that they’re bringing them back again, tho- the bag still says limited edition on it. Let’s hope they’re back for good!!!! : )

  40. 40
    Patricia Turner says:

    Found them at Krogers(Ohio) last month & they still have them.

  41. 41
    Arlene Pabros says:

    I have found the cherry kisses at Kroger in Peachtree city which is near Atlanta Ga. They seem to carry them year round. Love it!!!!!

  42. 42
    demory says:

    just to let you all know BJ’S Wholesale (NJ)) has lots of these kisses
    I used them to make a cookiE and WOW

  43. 43
    Michigander says:

    I stumbled upon Cherry Kisses by accident when my grandfather bought a bag from CVS for Christmas. Back then, the bags used to say limited edition but as of 1/17/07, they don’t anymore!

  44. 44
    Lowrah says:

    There was a cheesecake recipe on the bag also and I seem to have miss placed mine and really want to try it. Does anyone have it?

  45. 45
    Alyssa says:

    heres the cheesecake recipe:
    1/2 cup butter or margarine melted
    1&1/4 cups granulated sugar
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    2 eggs
    2/3 cup all purpose flour
    1/2 cup hersheys cocoa
    1/4 tsp baking powder
    1/4 tsp salt
    1 package cream cheese (softened)
    1 cup powdered sugar
    1/2 cup chilled whipping cream
    1 can (21 oz.) cherry pie filling, drained
    25 Hershey Kisses-cherry cordial

    Heat oven to 350 deg. line 9 in round cake pan w/foil beyond sides. Grease foil.

    Stir together melted butter, sugar, vanilla in large bowl. add eggs;beat well using spoon. Stit together flour. cocoa, baking powder and salt;gradually add to egg mixture, beating with spoon til well blended. spread batter in prepared pan.

    Bake 25 min or until cake is set(cake is fudgy and will not test done). Remove from oven;cool completely in pan on wire rack

    Beat cream cheese and powdered sugar in med bowl til well blended. Beat whipping cream until stiff;gradually fold into cream cheese mixture,blending well. Spread over brownie layer. Cover, refrigerate til serving time. Use foil to lift out of pan;remove foil.

    Just before serving, put drained cherry pie filling in 5 inch wide heart shape in center of dessert. Place chocolates around edge. Cut into wedges;serve with remaining pie filling. Cover;refrigerate leftover dessert. 10 to 12 servings

  46. 46
    delijoan says:

    found a dark version at a target in minneapolis.

    seeking ordinary version.

    in related news, the link to your petition is broken.

  47. 47
    Lisa says:

    I bought a bag of the dark chocolate Cherry Kisses at Sam’s Club in New Orleans last week. They also had the milk chocolate version. These are my latest addiction, so I hope they keep them around!

  48. 48
    blahblah says:

    i have seen these at a beauty place in illinois but not in stores. they are really good though!!!!!

  49. 49
    Cheryl Ford says:

    Had one today OMG im in st aug fl. I WILL FIND MORE.!!!! Cheryl

  50. 50
    Jaime Gonzalez says:


    If you came to Mexico on vacation; you will find Cherry Kisses in main cities; Specially at Walmart, Comercial Mexicana and Soriana Stores.

  51. 51
    super man says:

    I bought a bag of the dark chocolate Cherry Kisses at Sam’s Club in New Orleans last week. They also had the milk chocolate version. These are my latest addiction, so I hope they keep them around!

  52. 52
    Nicole says:

    OMG I was just eating Halloween candy and popped one into my mouth. There were no other cherry kisses in my bag and no person in my office has heard of them before. THEY ARE AMAZING

  53. 53
    Frank says:

    I’m with Nicole, they are amazing! I too was having candy at at a local business that had a dish and was expecting a normal hershey kiss but got one of these. SOOO GOOD.

  54. 54
    David MArburger says:

    Well, I have been nuying them for 6 months now, so the petition seems to have worked.. Does anyone else agree, they do still seem to be available at some stores. They are really delicious. I like to slowly let me them melt without breaking it open for as long as possible.

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